Entry 4 - A Dreadful Mistake

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I'm sick so updation time!

TW: Cutting, SH, etc

Kokichi's Pov

Everyone looked at me in disgust and annoyance as I smiled. Kirumi's words were the only things echoing through my mind.

'YOU! SHUT UP YOU USELESS BRAT! I'LL-' and then Monosaki said the dreaded words. "LET'S GIVE IT EVERYTHING WE'VE GOT! IIITT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!!" And Kirumi sprinted away.'

My smile was obviously faked, Miu and Angie could tell. But no one else realized. "You're a sick bastard Kokichi!" Tenko yelled. "I expected better from you Kichi." Kaito said. We walked out of the trial room, most people heading to their rooms to process all that happened today. I sat in my room as well. Hoshi was asleep and _______ was gone for now. As soon as I got onto my bed, I broke down. Hoshi was a light sleeper so I cried as softly and as quietly as I could. I picked up the book, flipping to the next available page.

"She called me a Brat. A Useless Brat. She's right. I'm a worthless lying brat that doesn't deserve anything but hatred. I hate this damn game. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! First Rantaro, now M̶o̶m̶ a̶n̶d̶ D̶a̶d̶                  Kirumi and Ryoma."

More tears fell from my face onto the page.

"I wish I could see them again. Even if they didn't miss me. Even if they hate me. Even if I messed everything up. Just one last time. But that'll neve."

I stopped the writing because a thought went through my mind.

'You can see them again. Just takes a few little cuts.' I tried to tell myself this was bad and I'd be terrible but my mind was completely cleared of all reliable thoughts and my body seems to think for itself. I walked to the bathroom although I just wanted to stay on my bed and cry myself to sleep. When in there, I saw it. A small switch-blade. It sat on my bathroom sink, unwashed and disgusting. 'DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT' These words echoed through my head as I picked up the small blade and brought it to my skin.

⚠️Trigger Warning Begin⚠️

The blade created a small dent on my skin, as if I hesitated. 'YOU USELESS LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! YOU SAID YOU WANT TO SEE THEM, SO DO IT!' It screeched, its words ringing as if from the inside out. I did it. The adrenaline seems to kick in because before I knew it, I could barely count the amount. I started getting dizzy and fell down, unable to move my hands.

⚠️Trigger Warning End⚠️

No One's Pov

"Hey Scruff- KICHI!?" they said. "_____....?" Kokichi muttered. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN-" They looked at the bloody blade and the multiple large incisions on his arm and realized, "Kichi, I told you no! Oh, I should've stayed with you, should've been here, should've at least taken this shit outta the room before you could get to 'em." The person mumbled as they opened the medkit and took out the bandages. "First that, then that, then.... done! Just like She taught us." They had sewn Kokichi up onto his feet and walked him to his bed. "Feel any better?" They said. "Mhmm" he replied.

"NOW WHAT THE HELL WERE YA THINKING?! I COULD'VE LOST YA!", "I'm s-rry, I just miss them, 've made Kai and Ten hate me alre-dy." Kokichi said, taking airy breathes between each word. "Well I'll miss ya more, idiot! Don't do that again, I would've actually shed tears for ya!", "Aw-w, y-you actu-lly care about m-e." Kokichi said, his words still sounding as cocky as ever. "I will leave you here, yer lucky I care about ya." They said. The person disappeared as quickly as they arrived.

"-never happen.

I did it. It felt like a cheat day on a diet, amazing! But _____ said it's bad and I know it's bad but what's the worst it could do.

Love, Yours Truly

Word Count: 730

I was really tryna rush this but I don't really care because I'm tired
also enjoy your day or night or whatever just be happy
Bye now

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