Entry 3- "Dear Journal"

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Rawr, I'm just coming back from school so 😝😝😝

Kokichi's Pov

I sat down, tears still falling down my face. I quietly picked up my Notebook, opening the first page.

"Dear Journal,


'All I got to write.' I thought. I continued writing.

"Dear Journal,

I miss him. It's been two days since they died. God, why'd it have to be them. I never realized how much I needed Kaede's cheerful word of determination. And him. Rantaro. He was my best friend. He was like my brother. He was with me through everything. I can't believe he's actually gone. I.. needed him.


No One's POV

Kokichi continuously tapped his pen against his book, trying to find more words to express the feelings he still had inside of him. Then one word came to mind


'No! No! NO! I'm a parent now, I can't do this. What would Hoshi think!? What.. would mom think...?' Soon thoughts raced in his mind as he continued to scribble his thoughts into the page.

"I've been thinking of doing something very horrible to myself. I still have Hoshi and _____ keeping me going, I can't just throw that all away. But these are becoming the only thoughts circling my brain. I know I said I stopped for good but would it be wrong if I were to do it just once? Another thing I've been thinking about is Rantaro, he died because I wasn't with him to insure he didn't die, so if i just stay together with them, they'll survive!

By yours truly

And with that, Kokichi closed his Notebook and just sat there. Most tears fell down as I contemplated everything. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Hoshi screamed her lungs out, signaling that something was wrong. Kokichi turned to her and picked her up. It was her diaper. Kokichi picked his daughter up and brought her to the bathroom. After cleaning Hoshi up, he rocked her gently back to sleep while also dozing off. "Kiichhiiii~~ I wanna talk to you!" Someone said. "____ I'm tired, let me put her to sleep and get to bed." Kokichi protested. "No fun!" They pouted and then left.

Kokichi sat Hoshi down in her crib and then laid down himself.


The monitors in his room flared on, signaling the 7AM alarm. "Alright, I'm up." Kokichi said tiredly. "Good morning Starlight!" Kokichi said, picking up his already awake daughter. "Sleep well? I read that shit of yours. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" Someone said. "Shut up, my best friend just died. Gimme time to mourn. Also don't curse in front of my baby!" Kokichi said, giving a few toys to Hoshi. He walked into the bathroom, ignoring the berating he was getting from the person. "Don't ignore me, you Bit- Butt nugget!", "No." Soon Kokichi walked out fully ready. "Now I need to go but I'll probably be back in 4 hours, don't do anything stupid. Byeeee!" Kokichi said as he walked out his room.

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