Entry 5 - That Day

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Hello fellow atoms,
I'm just trying to fulfill my everlasting urge to write 20 new things and never finish them so don't expect anything good from this
That's all
good day mate!

Kokichi's Pov

"RISE AND SHINE URSINE!! Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to wake up! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!!" The monitor blared. I rolled out my bed, eyes half open, limbs still asleep. "Oww!" I yelled. "KICHI! Why would'ya do that?! Those cuts are still fresh! They could reopen any moment now.", "I'm Fine." ___ looks at me questionably. "I seriou-" I coughed a bunch. "ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NOT! GET OUT.", "It's probably not even a sickness at all. Plus you can't even get sick anyway." She completely ignored me. ____ left for a minute, coming back with a bottle of Lysol. She sprayed it all around my bed and me, making sure not to get it anywhere near Hoshi. I sat up, trying to wake my aching legs. I coughed more, my aching body losing structure causing me to fall on my back. "A little help here!" She helped me get to my shaking feet. "Fuck it. I'm just not getting up." I rolled back into bed. "Ya know you could get in serious trouble doin' that." I ignored her. My eyes shut and my mind went blank.

No One's Pov

"Everyone, it seems that we have another motive." Monosaki said. While everyone was gathering in the gym, Kokichi's presence was never made known. "As you can see, Ouma isn't here." No one noticed until now. "So?" Maki said. "'Soooo' that he's not here because something about the motive made him go bye-bye dense ass bitch." Miu said with a sway in her hip. Maki didn't move, she just glared at Miu. "She's actually right. The motive is sickness. Every 48 hours, a new person will fall ill and will be rendered inactive. If that person stays sick for more than 7 days, they die. Very simple isn't it?" 'Death', a simple word no one liked to hear. Being blasted in their face as a taunt. "You're dismissed now, run along." And with that, everyone went to their rooms.

??? Pov

"Should I check on him. He could get me sick, but..." They threw a piece of metal against the wall. "Fuck it!" And they started walking to Kokichi's room.

Word Count: 441

Hello atoms and Molecules, I'm just going to say I'm either going to pop out twenty chapters after this in one day or none for two weeks
That's all to say
Bye now

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