Entry 6- Oh No

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Hi, I'm supposed to be doing homework so whatever

No One's Pov

' "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN 'i HaD tO'!? YOU HAD TO FUCKING MAKE FUN OF KIRUMI AND RYOMA DURING THE FUCKING TRIAL?!" Miu yelled. "Yes! You already know why!" This fight was going on in Miu's research lab. Angie just quietly painted to soothe her mind while Kiibo tried to calm the two down. "What? So you don't get considered emotional to a few people?! You're not 14 anymore, you ain't gotta act like a bitch as an emotional fuckin shell.!" Miu said with anger. "..." Everyone was silent while Miu questioned the quietness. "Miu, you in no place to talk," Kokichi muttered with a smirk. "I need you to remember you were in this exact position two years ago." Everyone stayed quiet. Miu looked down at him, then lunged for him.'

'!!!' Kokichi woke up from that dream. He and Miu had a disagreement the day after Kirumi died. They were back on good terms after Miu admitted to just wanted him to be more sensitive when he did his facade and Kokichi apologized for the outburst. Now it has been 6 days since Kokichi became infected by the motive disease. It was 11PM. Kokichi wasn't aware of his slowly growing death because his physical health had gotten better.

Kokichi walked or limped to the bathroom to take a calming shower. *Psshh* water ran quickly as Kokichi began to strip. He looked at himself in the mirror, his pale skin contrasting to his vague purple eyes and detailed purple hair. His binder sat on his counter. He always wore it because it helped lessen the femininity that he already seemed to be radiating from him. And now several tiny cuts littering his arms with shame, some on his thighs from the past. *Sigh* Kokichi stepped into the water, letting it cause his gravity defying hair to droop down to his shoulders. He looked up at the wall as the water stings his back.

*Screech* He turned off the water, stepping out and grabbing a nearby towel. '11:46' he thought, drying his hair with another towel. Kokichi reached down to grab his hairdryer, not looking at what he was moving. Once he grabbed the electronic, he accidentally knocked an unfamiliar bottle onto the ground. He looked in the mirror, fixing his hair a little more. In just a minute, a cloud of blue smoke surrounded Kokichi. He squinted his eyes, now just noticing the mist. 'The Fuck?' he thought. Then his eyes started to close, and his legs started to buckle. It was 11:59, meaning his time was up and he'd lost the game. He stumbled out of the bathroom into his room, only to be stopped by blood everywhere. A familiar brunette was lying on the floor, something sticking out her neck. Kokichi stumbled back as he noticed blood on his bed. Then his legs gave out and to the floor he fell, hitting his head on the wall behind him.

"Finally," someone said from behind the door. They were quick to start getting to work.

Word Count: 542
I'm not longer allowing the first story to exist the public as it contains spoilers so yea
Bye now

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