Entry 2- Bitch!

18 1 2

Ll I got one hour of sleepz I'm holding up by a damn pen balancing of a piece of string. Help me.

Kokichi's POV

"Hi Mom! Hey Dad!!" I said. "Kid please." Ryoma said, Kirumi was unfazed. "Hello Ouma!", "How are you?" Kirumi asked. "Fine, just got done devising a plan to kill you all!" Kirumi pat my head, "Sure." She said with a small smile. We talked for a little before another announcement rang. "This is an announcement! It seems we have another motive!! Head to the gym or you're all dead." Monosaki said, piercing our ears with that annoying voice of hers. "Well we have no other choice!" I said, skipping to the gym.

When we arrived there, I ran into Miu, Rantaro, and Kiibo. "Hey Whore!", "Hey Twinkie!" Me and Miu say to each other. "When will you two ever stop these nicknames?", "When you admit you wanna suck rob-" Rantaro covered my mouth with his hand, the others giving us questioning looks. "Shut up!" Rantaro whispers. "Sorry, not Sorry big bro!" I giggled. "I'll disown you." Rantaro pinched the bridge of his nose. "What's going on?" Kiibo asked, facing Taro. "Taro just won't admit his fat crush on-!" Kirumi smacks my head. "Stop that! Apologize to Amami-Kun!" Kirumi says. "OWW!!" I whisper-yell. As everyone else huddled into the gym, we stuck in our corner.

 As everyone else huddled into the gym, we stuck in our corner

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(What it looked like)

No One's POV

Monosaki spoke as Angie walked over to the group in the corner. "Now that all of you slow ass Brats are here, let me say it! You all were taking exactly too long to kill and I was wondering 'why aren't you bloodthirsty kids killing yet?!' and then I realized it.", "You realized we aren't half-assed robot furries that have no hearts?" Kokichi yelled out. "No! I realized you all need a motive!~~" she says, sending a chill down everyone's spines. Suddenly, all the Monokubs showed up. "Mama's a genius!!" Monokid said. "Truly!" Monotaro said. "Children, Mommy's trying to do something right now. I know you all want to flaunt your adorable face~ but I'm busy, please come back later." Everyone held their breath, trying not to think too deep about how Monosaki talks to her kids. "As I was saying, the motive is the first blood perk. So basically the first person to kill will "graduate" without a class trial. But there's a twist! If a murder didn't occur within the next 48 hours, everyone who is participating in the killing game will be killed." Monosaki said, a wide smile spread across her face. 'What!?!' and 'Wha...' echoed in the gymnasium as the thought of death crossed their minds. Suddenly a blonde figure stepped out the huddle. Kaede Akamatsu.

Kokichi's POV

Kaede said something about never killing our friends for as selfish a reason as for our own benefits or whatever. I didn't hear what she said, I was on the thought of my daughter losing me. ME! Her only parent. Oh yea, what if I tell you, the father doesn't know he's a dad. You probably wouldn't believe me right? Well what if I also told you that he forgot all about everything that happened in our lives because of a stupid killing game brainwashing and stealing our memories from us. You probably would say that I'm a lunatic that needs to be locked up immediately but I'm telling the full truth. That feels weird to say. The only reason I can tell you all this is because that machine of theirs didn't work on me.

I managed to understand something that was happening. I heard the Monokubs and Monosaki laughing at the speech Kaede said. I felt I couldn't move, that was until I heard that voice from before said.

"I like this Mono chick, she's cool. And go check on Hoshi, you idiot! She's a FUCKING baby and you got dangerous ass stuff in there!" Fuck you're right! I tiptoed out of the gym and ran to my room.

Word Count: 679
This is going well

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