Entry 7- Investigation

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I don't know what the hell I'm doing but all I know is I'm going to be bullshitting through this the whole thing

"...-en discovered!......... a class trial will begin!" I was jolted awake. 'What? Another Death?!' I thought, sitting up from bed. I got up and quickly changed into more presentable clothes. "SHUICHI!" Kaito yelled, obviously startled. I opened the door for him and he pulled me into the hall. Noise was coming from the top floor but I couldn't hear from where. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" Kaito whispered as he dragged me to the top floor.

We stopped in front of Kokichi's room. Almost everyone else was gathered around his room, some shocked and others disgusted. I squished through everyone and went into the room with Kaito following. Immediately, once we stepped in, we saw her on the floor, laying in a pool of her own blood. I stepped back and Kaito caught me.

There laid our deceased friend, Maki Harukawa. She had a few scratch marks on her arms and face and a pen sticking out her neck.

'Truth Bullet: Acquired: Uneven Scratch Marks on Body'

'Truth Bullet: Acquired: Pen in Neck'

Besides her was a stray pocket knife, carrying a little blood on it. It seems that she was attacked by someone. I walked closer to the knife. 'Harukawa's' was written on the handle of the knife. "So it is hers." I say.

'Truth Bullet: Acquired: Maki's Knife'

Most of the people outside the room either left because of the nausea brewing in their stomachs but some like Angie, Miu, Tenko, Korekiyo, and Kiibo came into the room to investigate. "Uh- Saihara?" Kiibo called. I walked to the door where he stood. "Hmm?", "I think I found some sort of chemical." He showed me a blue stain on the door, it'd  already dried up. "From the looks of it, it looks like _____. It's a poison that-", "causing one to lose consciousness but doesn't kill.", "Exactly." I looked at the color again. "I have a bottle like that in my lab." 'I should check my lab later.'

'Truth Bullet: Acquired: Blue stain on door'

"huh? Wha- AHHH!" Kaito yelled after slightly lifting Kokichi's bed covers. I turned to what he screamed at. Then that sight hit me again. A small toddler covered in it's own blood with a gaping slash through its stomach. 'Wha!? When-?!' i questioned. Since when were extra participants allowed!? All of the sudden, Monosaki appeared with a satisfied smirk. "Finally that fucking monster was put to rest. I couldn't stand another second with those agonizing cries." She mumbled though it was clearly intended to be heard from everyone. "Wha- How- Whe- What the fuck?" I stuttered out, hoping for any sort of answers. "No can do twiggly. Maybe ask those two." She pointed to Miu and Angie who were quietly investigating the bathroom with Korekiyo. "Ok, I'm done. Keep searching." Then she poofed away.

I looked closer at the child. It didn't look any older than a year old, poor thing. It has dark purple hair and what seemed to be golden eyes from the faded look it gave to the ceiling. It had a knife coated in blood beside it, obviously proving to be the murder weapon. And besides under the knife was a message. I pulled the covers up more to reveal the full writing. In sloppy writing, 'Im sorry Hoshi.' was scribbled on the bed. 'Is Hoshi the child's name? Maybe so.'

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