Preparing for a Shower

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Charleston International Airport

Ms. Babu and the entire family stood in the middle of the airport, holding onto one another. Its been sixteen hours and Emily's plane was scheduled to land at 2:35pm.

The minutes felt like hours all over again. Jess has called Tanya over and over but she got not response in return. The shower was in a few days and she needed her help.

"Wait, I think I see her" Ms. Baby stood on her tippy toes, trying to look over the two tall men that wore army uniforms but clearly weren't American. "There she is! EMILY!" She yelled out, walking swiftly over to her niece who was shielded by the two men.

Emily could be seen peeking her head from behind the men, waving at her aunt.

Jess and the family began walking closer to meet them. The CPS lady spoke to her in their native Hindu language.

"एमिली, क्या आप इन लोगों को जानती हैं?"
(Emily, do you know these people?)

"हाँ, यह मेरी चाची टटिया बाबू हैं
(yes, this is my auntie Tattia Babu)

"नमस्ते, मेरा नाम सुश्री बहल है, मैं भारतीय दूतावास के लिए एक सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता हूं, आपकी भतीजी की सुरक्षित वापसी सुनिश्चित करना मेरा कर्तव्य है"
(Hello, my name is Ms. Bahl, I am a social worker for the Indian Embassy, it is my duty to ensure the safe return of your niece"

"उसे मेरे पास सुरक्षित लौटाने के लिए धन्यवाद"
(thank you for returning her safely to me)

The entire family was lost in the translation of what was going on in front of them. Ms. Babu and the lady continued speaking in Hindu and going over the documents that she had to provide to receive immediate custody of Emily.

She opened her brief case, handing her a pen.

ठीक है आप यहां और यहां हस्ताक्षर कर सकते हैं, तो यह हो गया। आप अपनी भतीजी की पूर्ण अभिरक्षा लेने के लिए स्वतंत्र होंगे।
(okay you can sign here and here, then its done. You will be free to take full custody of your niece)

She signed the documents, handing the lady back her pen and embracing her niece. They both resembled one another, dark hair with almond eyes.

आंटी टाटिया, मुझे आपकी याद आती है
(Ive missed you aunt Tattia)

मैं जानता हूं प्रिय, मैंने भी तुम्हें बहुत याद किया है
(I know sweetheart, ive missed you too)

The family still watched as they spoke in their native language and it was beautiful.

"Hey, can she speak English?" Mj asked, being nosey.

She smiled, and nodded her head "Yes, I do speak English"

"That's so cool! You think you could teach us that language?" Liam asked

"Well how come none of you wanted to learn it from me?" Ms. Babu asked feeling a tad bit insulted.

It was quite obvious the reason why the boys preferred learning from Emily, they were already crushing on her.

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