4. Tsundere

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Zenitsu's POV:

I buried my face in my hands. I didn't want this to happen! It just couldn't be like this! My eyes started to water. Don't cry! Not now! You're such a dumb crybaby, Zenitsu! Stop it! Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Can we talk for a moment?!" I looked up. It was Inosuke, with an angry gaze towards the ground and reddened cheeks. What was this again?! My heart rate immediately shot up to 180, and I felt my own face turning red. I quickly glanced at Tanjiro and Nezuko. Tanjiro had taken out a brown comb and started combing Nezuko's hair. He had bought a comb a few days ago in a small village on the way to a mission. I should've known it was for Nezuko when he mentioned wanting to give a gift to the most important girl in his life. (I thought he meant Kanao...) They were talking and laughing. I wished I had someone to talk and laugh with... Someone who would hold me when I'm sad, protect me forever, and love me... ARGH! ZENITSU! COME BACK TO REALITY! I grabbed Inosuke's arm. "Not here. Come with me," I said with a cold undertone. I didn't actually want to sound so snappy, but something was off with me. Whenever I was near Inosuke, I suddenly became unbearable! Since when had I become such a tsundere?! (Tsundere = The word "tsundere" is a combination of the Japanese words "tsuntsun" and "deredere." "Tsuntsun" means "aloof, bad-tempered, grumpy" and originates from a sound used to describe someone turning their nose up. "Deredere" means "flirtatious, in love.") Wait? - I wasn't - I'm not in love, am I? - That might be why I'm acting so poorly towards Inosuke! I'm a tsundere! But... that would mean... I'm into Inosuke... NO, I'VE CHANGED MY MIND! I'M NOT A TSUNDERE! ABSOLUTELY NOT! So, I pulled Inosuke aside a bit from Tanjiro and Nezuko, so we could talk in peace. Once we were behind a few trees and I had made sure they couldn't hear us anymore (in case my inner tsundere - uh, I mean undefined stubbornness - decided to attack Inosuke with words... of course!) Finally, I crossed my arms and looked at Inosuke. "Why are you angry?!" Inosuke asked, his voice quiet but with audible emphasis. He still had that damn mask on. Stay calm, Zenitsu... Pull yourself together! "W-what?" I asked, genuinely confused. "DAMN IT, ZENITSU! STOP LYING! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS MAKE THIS NICE FEELING ARISE WHENEVER I SEE YOU-" Inosuke fell silent and looked away. Even though I had no idea where he was looking, since he still wore that hideous thing! "Why did you save me if I would've only gotten slightly hurt anyway?!" Inosuke asked a bit louder. Now it was me who fell silent. "Were you mad at me, HUH?! Or did you really-" "DAMN IT, IF YOU KEEP WEARING THAT DAMN MASK ALL THE TIME, I CAN'T CONCENTRATE, YOU IDIOT!" I retorted sharply, took a quick step towards him, and ripped Inosuke's mask off his head. I carelessly tossed it aside. Inosuke's surprised gazes pierced through me. Just 1 second later, after I looked back at Inosuke. Immediately, his bright green eyes stared directly into my soul, full of astonishment. Our faces were so close that I could feel his hot breath on my skin. I used to think his mouth would stink like a monster's maw... but surprisingly, it smelled like fresh mint! I could also, even without a special sense of smell like Tanjiro's, detect his scent. And I had always imagined he'd smell like the last swamp monster, but he smelled like... summertime... and somehow like sweet buttercups. "I-" Suddenly, he took my still raised hands and pressed me against the tree behind me. My breathing accelerated. "Inosuke?! What are you doing-" I asked while he just looked at me. I felt my tsundere genes resurfacing. "Inosuke, let me go!" I said with some force in my voice. "I... I can't..." he said softly, looking deep into my eyes. I felt his hot breath very close to my face, and I felt my cheeks reddening. "Inosuke. Kiss me."

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