16. The Boss / 🍋 LEMON 🍋

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Zenitsu's Pov:

I looked at Inosuke with glittering eyes, waiting for an answer. DAMNED! Why did I ask that?! What if he says no?! What if he says yes!?!? But before I could think of another way to die, Inosuke started grinning like that again, grabbed my forearms, and before I could say anything let alone do anything, he was sitting on top of me!To be more precise, he also sat right on my crotch!!! (Shit, that hurt a little... but also feels so good in a way!) I'm the boss here, okay?" he said then, leaning over me, getting dangerously close to my face. "I'm not having sex with me... You are having sex with me!" I blushed. Man! Whenever I'm the dominant one for a moment and ONCE IN THE LIFE I feel crass, he destroys everything for me and comes with his 100, no 10000000 times more dominant way!!!Well...I can't say I don't like it when he's so...so...so hot. About as hot as my cheeks right now. Oh... Zenitsu... what did you stumble into again... (...hehe... I sound a bit like grandpa when he realizes that I've got someone in debt again...)...Oh man... Was he really, really serious just now? Well... I'm just not sure what Ms. Kocho is going to say if we do it in her bed-...... And besides, the guest room door wasn't locked and the walls are paper thin!Anyone shuffling 5 meters from the door could hear us! "Hey Inosuke, maybe it would be better if- IGH-! WHAT ARE YOU DOING-?"I gasped as he started kissing my neck. "He looked up again and his questioning face gave way to a sneer. "What is it? are you backing out?!" Well... with that he had kind of invoked 'the sacred power of the tsundere' in me that I'd seemed to have hidden all my life. "H-hey! That is not true! You- you're such a fool (-...sometimes)!"Inosuke, however, started laughing heartily when he saw my bright red face, with an angry, definitely tsundere-like expression on my face. "Oh man... You're really so cute sometimes!" SWEET?! SWEET!??!??! THIS IDIOT SHOULD FIND ME CUTE ONLY IF I TELL HIM!!!!!!!! OH MAN!!! NOW HE IS THE DOMINATOR OF THE TWO OF US AGAIN!!!! THAT NERFS, THAT NERFS, THAT NERFS!!!My internal tsundere was up to 180 now, and I think my head was starting to smoke. But then I remembered how I could also tease him a bit. So I pulled them closer and whispered with a grin. "And you? Would you rather stop? If so, you can say that, I-n-o-s-u-k-e."That was definitely right. Inosuke was definitely upset now. But still, he quickly composed himself and said quietly very close to my lips. "...Might suit you like this..."And with that he started kissing my neck and I squeaked again, but this time out of anticipation (... and quite, quite maybe a little excitement.) Sometimes he would bite something too, but it didn't hurt.Rather, it just turned me on more and more. Then, when he got to my shoulder, he stopped and started undoing the buttons of my uniform. I can't deny that I was definitely more than 'just a little excited' just now.Still, I groaned. I tried to be as quiet as possible... but this time, when he started kissing me on my now almost completely free chest, I gave up. My concerns were completely gone, and at that moment I just thought to myself:"Fuck it! It's going to go wrong," and let my hands wander over his well-toned six-pack. He helped me take off the top of my uniform so that my upper body was really completely free now, and we lay kissing on top of each other again.Then Inosuke pushed me back a bit so that I was lying on the bed and he was sitting in front of me. If I had an excited scale of 0-100, and the more excited I was, the higher the number, mine would be around 1000000000 or so.Inosuke now bent down to my waistband, and although I shouldn't be embarrassed, I almost died inside when I also felt something stirring inside me. But either Inosuke hadn't noticed it yet, or he just doesn't care because he started to undo my belt buckle... WHAT?! SO FAST?!Now I was a bit nervous. "Inosuke... are you really sure? Well, I mean that we're about to... you know what?" Inosuke looked up questioningly but at the same time laughing. "What? At least you had a hard harder than I did!" Fuck. He did notice.I lay there, flushed and stiff as a rock, while Inosuke laughed gleefully. That was also the reason why I died 1000 more deaths in my mind (again) and didn't really notice what was happening to me and around me until it happened. "IIIIK!" I squeaked in half-excited, half-surprised realizing what had just happened. "He... he really has it in his mouth..."I thought, not daring to look up. I would have liked to jump up, packed my things, and moved into the forest with Chunataro (preferably into the forest with those poisonous spiders and that creepy spider boy). However, as he began to suckle, I straightened my back, completely blocking out everything and everyone around me. "Inosuke! Please release me!" I begged."Don't be so impatient, my little shit!" He laughed as he looked up and met my face with that wild expression, then bent down again and continued sucking. But when he felt that I was about to come, he just stopped with a grin! Idiot. Panting, I lifted my head and looked at him with an expression that was meant to be as angry as possible."Fuck you." I then just brought out under my heavy breathing. "No, I'll fuck you!" However, he improved. "What? Do you want e-" "Zenitsu, give me your hand." he interrupted me. I didn't trust his grin and the daring, admittedly hot, expression that was still on his face, I didn't trust it at all - I mean not at all (... my face, I'm completely exhausted...) , but at least I trusted Inosuke, and that was probably enough reason for my small brain to shake Inosuke's hand. So I didn't think long and stretched out my hand to him."So, what- HUH-!? What are you-?!" I don't know how he did it, or what he did exactly, but Inosuke grabbed my hand in a flash, somehow twisted it so that it was pulling me down, and twisted me so that he was now lying on top of me! I just had no idea what to think, feel, say or do about it.My inner tsundere has now finally said goodbye for the next few hours, and I saw no other option than sinking my hot face into the duvet and clutching my hands tightly on the pillow. "Hey." I suddenly heard Inosuke's voice close to my ear. When I raised my head quickly, startled, I almost gave him a half headbutt.I felt his hot breath on my now somewhat wet neck as he continued to speak. "Are you okay with that?" At that moment my opinion split in two. One of them kept screaming in my head: "That's completely crazy! You- you can- you can't just do it in Ms. Kocho's bed! What did she do to deserve that?!"Shut up, my anxious and insecure side, which not so long ago stalked women like a perverted psycho, declared every next girl on the street to be the absolute dream woman, and molested your best friend's sister for MONTHS! You are quiet! NOT YOU! I DO THIS NOW!!!!! "YES! Yes definitely! I really want to!" I replied with a confident smile.To be honest, I was really happy that he was so considerate of me and asked me again beforehand. Inosuke grinned again as well. "Ok if you say so, but I won't hold back, okay?" "I want to see that... (or feel...)" Inosuke had to grin even more. He must have understood that I wanted to challenge him. "Fine, but that might hurt a bit at first." With these words, he cautiously pushed into my entrance. "Ouch! Never heard of 'prepare' you idiot!?"Aha. So my tsundere hadn't died after all. Somehow I'm relieved that she didn't say goodbye forever. But honestly. It really hurt. "Don't worry, my little wimp. The pain will pass in a moment!" He puts it so simply, but to be honest I was expecting something... well... smaller... and... shorter.Still, it just felt so good. I gasped, hearing Inosuke groan above me as well. "Inosuke, I swear if you stop now, I'll kill you and throw myself at Nezuko again, okay?!"I called up to Inosuke, breathing heavily. "Don't worry, my little tsundere!" "WAIT, where from- never mind." Inosuke put his strong arms on my shoulders and started to move. I tried to suppress it first, but like Inosuke, I couldn't suppress my moaning anymore."You're enjoying it. Isn't that right?" He whispered while leaning very close to my ear again... without stopping. "K-...Shut up..." I gasped, unable to say anything sensible at the moment.I'll be honest, it's getting really critical... I mean, if Inosuke continues like this... I mean, then I will... But I don't think Inosuke can hold out much longer either, because he moaned louder and louder, just like I..."...Zenitsu... is it ok if I'm inside you..." I just nodded eagerly, finally turning my head to look up at him. His hair looked as tousled and fluffy as a fluffy cloud, and had a faint tinge of red on his face. "Oh, Inosuke..." I moaned, clutching my pillow."...It's ok...me too..." he gasped. I felt him speed up and for a few seconds we both couldn't take it anymore and came. Okay... that was by far that was definitely the craziest feeling I've ever had. I mean, I had never... made out with anyone... well... before, and was expecting my first time to be extremely fucked up, but it WILL BE SO GOOD! I'm serious: INOSUKE WAS REALLY FUCKING GOOD!... Although I probably won't be able to walk another step tomorrow... Inosuke had dropped onto me and lay on top of me with heavy breathing before he pulled out of me. Then he dropped into bed next to me. We just lay there for a while. I was so energized before that I could have run a race with Chunataro and ran away with Tanjiro an hour from Mr. Haganezuka, who wants to kill us for breaking his beloved katanas... b.w. that would be then it was more like Tanjiro... but now I was so broken, but at the same time so... happy. After a few minutes of just lying still and thinking about the whole world, I was suddenly nudged on the cheek. I opened my eyes and saw the bright red Inosuke next to me. Damned! To be honest, I had almost forgotten about it because I was so tired! He was bright red Inosuke, who looked away, a little embarrassed. "...K-...cuddling...?" he asked, blushing even more. I whooped with joy, rushed towards him and hugged him tightly. He was as warm as ever and his heartbeat was so soothing. Inosuke also smiled tiredly and stroked my head. "I love you, Zenitsu Agatsuma..." was the last thing I heard before falling asleep. But before that I whispered: "...I love you too, Inosuke Hashibira..."Note: Don't worry! No end! I just wanted to say something! So *cough*: Today I was lying on my bed around 6:00 p.m. and I was eating chips when I thought to myself: Clara, this can't go on like this! They're all waiting for a new chapter, and you're lying around eating chips! In the last few days I honestly just had NO BOCK to write, and I'd rather lie around like a rotten piece of shit in my co-life crisis. You're welcome, right there. But finally I pulled myself together and didn't think that writing this chapter would take me a total of 7 FUCKING HOURS. So sorry for the long break :-( By the way, I have no idea why I'm saying that. I probably just want to process my 'fellow-life crises'. So thanks for the good therapy. After writing I'm going to bathe in white water first, and then finally go to sleep, because IT IS NOW 11:40 PM!!! Phew, so, good night! ❤️ Feel hugged ❤️ -Your clarines <3

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