29. Cold

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Inosuke's POV:


I almost jumped out of my skin when I suddenly found myself staring at Zenitsu's happy, bloodied face, tears streaming down my own face. "ZENITSU, BUT- OH GOD-" I couldn't comprehend what was happening. Quickly, I placed two fingers on his carotid artery on his neck, where just a few seconds ago, I couldn't feel a pulse. But now, I could clearly feel a pulse. "OH GOD!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!! BUT- HOW- YOU WERE-" I couldn't make sense of anything anymore, but there was Zenitsu, undeniably, 100% alive! ALIVE!

But how - how was that even possible? He - he was supposed to be - he was supposed to be dead! However, at that moment, I heard astonished voices from above. I turned to them and shouted, "ZENITSU IS ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE! HE'S NOT DEAD!" I hoped they understood despite the thunderstorm and the still raging storm. But even from down here, I could see the sparkle in their eyes, and I even think Frau Kocho was quite relieved.


I nodded hastily and then turned back to Zenitsu. "O-Okay. I'm going to lift you very carefully, okay?" I said to Zenitsu, who nodded slightly. "The most important thing is that you absolutely must not fall asleep, okay! You have to stay awake!" Then I carefully put my arms under his small, at least no longer icy-cold, body. Zenitsu also lifted his arms and placed them around my shoulders.

I felt him strongly shivering in my arms, and even without as keen hearing as Zenitsu, I could hear his soft, trembling gasps. "I-Inosuke... p-please don't... let me fall... please don't hate me..." I looked at the freezing Zenitsu in my arms in shock. Was he having hallucinations now? If so, that was not good at all!

"Zenitsu... Why do you think I would ever-" "A-..oi..." Zenitsu uttered as I carefully lifted him in my arms. "...I-it's... I'm so... sorry, Inosuke... I- I didn't... didn't believe you, and... I was just so incredibly angry at myself, and-" "Z-Zenitsu, if you apologize again for-... for things you can't control, I'll just start crying, got it?!" I interrupted Zenitsu and leaned forward to shield him from the rain as much as possible, as he was already way too cold.

"...B-but it's a-all my fault... I ran away, and then I was so careless... and... I'm so sorry-" "Zenitsu Agatsuma, you listen to me right now!" I interrupted him again, carrying him in my arms to the nearest big tree. "For what Aoi did... there... no one can be blamed, got it?! That was- I mean, we can't predict the future or anything! Maybe I'm too stupid for it, but-" When I saw Zenitsu's gentle smile on his lips, I fell silent.

In that very moment, I actually realized how I would have felt if that smile had disappeared forever. If this person just ... 'poof' had been gone forever. I just can't imagine how I would have continued.

That was probably the first and last time in my life that I cried so much. Zenitsu probably finally noticed that I had been crying the whole time and was still sobbing: "Hey... did you... cry?.." I could hardly understand his weakened, soft voice through the heavy thunderstorm and the pouring rain. I looked away shyly. "...I-It's not true at all..." I mumbled somewhat embarrassed.

Zenitsu let out a soft chuckle while still smiling at me so cutely. I noticed that Zenitsu had been trying hard to keep his eyes open throughout our entire conversation, and I genuinely felt sorry for him! "Please, Zenitsu... you can do it! Just a little bit more, and you'll be saved!" Zenitsu rubbed his eyes once. "I-it's okay... don't worry... this is kinda weird!" Now it was me who had to laugh a little, and Zenitsu joined in, even though his trembling was practically unmistakable.

"...Damn... where are they?" I whispered more to myself than to Zenitsu and took a quick look up, but neither Frau Kocho, nor Kanao or Aoi, not even the medical demon slayers, and not even Tanjiro or Nezuko were there anymore. They were probably all looking for the safest way down... Damn... Hopefully, it won't take too long!

I pressed Zenitsu's body against my chest, protecting him even more so he wouldn't get completely chilled. It would be terrible if, after all we had been through together, he were to freeze to death. Just with that single thought, I suddenly felt freezing cold, and I walked a little faster. Finally! Finally, I reached the damn treetop! I carefully placed Zenitsu on the driest and most comfortable spot on the thick oak, where almost no rain penetrated.

As far as I knew, the thunderstorm had finally come to an end, and now it was just raining. Thankfully! Anything else would have been damn dangerous, as lightning could have struck! "Okay, Zenitsu... I'm just going to sit quietly next to you now. You keep breathing calmly, and if you feel dizzy or suddenly get very tired, then-" I fell silent when I noticed Zenitsu sobbing. "Z-Zenitsu..." I whispered, wiping away a tear that ran down his cheek.

"I know, this is all really overwhelming, but don't worry! The pain will go away, and-" "T-That's not it..." Zenitsu interrupted me with a weak voice. "I-I was just th-thinking about how it would have been, if I had never... never seen your fa-face smile again... I-" I took Zenitsu firmly in my arms. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I said with a choked voice. "I-I know, I'm not always... the best friend, but... I really want to be! Honestly! I know I'm dumb, and I know I'm aggressive! I know I'm greedy, I know I cause trouble for everyone, but... I really want to be the best friend of all time for you! And I... I don't know what I would have done if you had really died..."

I felt Zenitsu's tears flow down my neck. These tears, unlike the cold and wet storm, felt like... somehow like a pleasant summer rain... or... like fresh morning dew dripping down from a buttercup in the middle of a large meadow... I had no idea why I was thinking of such weird comparisons, but I really had these images in my mind. I felt Zenitsu hugging me back and resting his head on my shoulder.

Time seemed to stand still again, and there was only me and Zenitsu, and Zenitsu and me. Once again, I completely forgot about the rain, the storm, even the whole situation we seemed to be trapped in at the moment. And I think Zenitsu felt the same way. "I-I love you so much, Inosuke..." I heard Zenitsu whisper softly.

"I love you so much too, Zenitsu..." I whispered back, squeezing him a little tighter. I had no idea how long we stayed like that... time just seemed to fly and yet stand still. Totally crazy somehow... But then suddenly, we heard approaching footsteps, and some people were shouting our names and other stuff. We quickly turned around, and to be honest, we were a little startled at first. But of course, it was none other than: Shinobu Kocho, along with Kanao, Aoi, medical demon slayers, and of course, Tanjiro and Nezuko! They all looked genuinely happy and rushed towards us, and I knew:

Now everything will be fine.


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