27. Fate

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Inosuke's Pov:


Damn, it started raining harder... well, calling it rain was an understatement: It was storming. The edges were extremely slippery, and the sharp stones of the crumbling cliff cut into my palm, but I didn't care at the moment. I was already about five meters down... or rather, sliding down.

I couldn't think about where I was holding on or where I was placing my feet the whole time. Although... not always was an understatement: I didn't think for a second about anything. There was only one single thought swirling in my head, and it said: "...Zenitsu... save... Zenitsu... save... Zenitsu..."

"INOSUKE! DON'T DO THAT!!! YOU'LL SLIP!!!" Now Aoi also rushed to the edge of the cliff and screamed at me. Do they think I don't know that if I slip, I'll fall into the depths and die? Of course, I knew that! I knew how dangerous and suicidal this whole thing was, but... I want to save Zenitsu... I have to... Even if he might already be dead, I still want to look at him properly one last time... the last time ruffle through his soft, fluffy hair, hug him for the last time... and kiss him for the last time.

I stopped briefly and looked up at Aoi. She held onto the rocky, crumbling edge of the broken slope with her now bleeding fingertips, while a few strands of her usually impeccably silky hair, tied into two cute braids, hung in her face, soaked wet. Her expression seemed very desperate, and her eyes reflected pure fear... but as harsh as it sounded... I didn't care.

She had kissed me, and I would now save Zenitsu. She stretched out her cold, trembling arm, also soaked wet, and wanted me to take it so that she could pull me up, but I didn't take it. "Zenitsu won't die! I'll prevent that!" "NO! YOU'LL DIE, DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Aoi now screamed angrily and almost fell forward.

But exactly at that moment, fortunately, Kanao appeared behind her and held her back with all her strength. Some stones fell from above on me, but luckily didn't hit me. That would have been a truly pathetic way to die. Everyone, really everyone, had by now gathered at the edge of the cliff, screaming at me that I was suicidal, but I didn't respond. Even the Sanitary Demon Slayers shouted something down to me, but at that very moment, it suddenly became bright. Everyone flinched, and some even screamed. I would have almost lost my balance, but fortunately, I could still pull myself up again. Lucky. That could have ended badly... or maybe it will, because that one lightning strike wasn't the end of it!

Just two seconds later, it flashed again, and followed by an increasingly threatening rumble that sounded as if it was right next to me. Damn it... Zenitsu will freeze down there... It was as if fate with all its might wanted to prevent me from helping Zenitsu, or at least coming down to him. As if it was trying to tear us apart with all its might... But if that was the plan, then fate can forget about it! I am Inosuke Hashibira! I never thought I could feel so intensely for a person... or that someone could be so important to me, but Zenitsu has proven it! I loved him so unbelievably much! His either sweet and reserved or slightly sassy and cute temper... his soft hair... the smell of his clothes... especially his smell that somehow reminded me of a yellow flower... Yes! Buttercups! His scent definitely resembled a freshly blooming buttercup!

...His beautiful warm body that I loved holding in my arms... His lips that somehow... tasted deliciously sweet... His totally ugly haori with the stupid white triangles on it, which still somehow had something... cute about it... his voice that many considered annoying, but I found totally sweet... The feeling when he hugged me, when I comforted him... I loved all of that so insanely much about Zenitsu. He is so sweet and friendly... and so much more. I had never in my life thought it possible that Zenitsu could be so incredibly important to me... but I loved him so much!

I would have liked to show Zenitsu how to become more self-confident. I would have loved to show him how beautiful and great he was and that he didn't need to hate himself... I would have loved to steal food from Frau Kocho's kitchen with him and then run away with him hand in hand. I would have loved to let Frau Kocho scold and lecture us afterward and then do a punishment with him, in which we would still fool around. I would have loved to continue fighting against numerous demons with Zenitsu... but most of all... I would have liked to stay with him forever.

I hope that after my death, I'll go to heaven, where I can see Zenitsu again... and where we can stay together forever...

Only a little bit more... Only about 10 meters, and I'll finally be... down! Just a little more— FUCK! I SLIPPED!!!!!!!!!!! It thundered and lightning suddenly very loudly, and—THE LIGHTNING! THE LIGHTNING STRUCK NEXT TO ME!!!! I only saw white as I startledly threw myself to the side to avoid ending up as grilled wild boar as I unintentionally slipped and fell into the abyss! "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" I heard everyone screaming from above as the ground got closer and closer to me.... Do... do I have to die like this?!!?!?!? Is this it?!?!?!? No... I wanted to... experience so much... together with Zenitsu... Oh, this is all my fault!!!!! If only I hadn't been so stupid and let my feelings carry me away! If only I hadn't climbed down and— No. If I have to die like this... then I'm honestly quite satisfied with it.

I mean, I'm dying trying to save Zenitsu... Yeah... that was actually the way I wanted to die... I... I wanted so much to die for Zenitsu!... Only... I honestly wished the cold breath of death would catch up with me a bit more slowly... Really stupid... But I guess you just can't have everything...

Still;.. I would have liked to show Zenitsu how to become more self-confident. I would have loved to show him how beautiful and great he was and that he didn't need to hate himself... I would have loved to steal food from Frau Kocho's kitchen with him and then run away with him hand in hand. I would have loved to let Frau Kocho scold and lecture us afterward and then do a punishment with him, in which we would still fool around. I would have loved to continue fighting against numerous demons with Zenitsu... but most of all... I would have liked to stay with him forever.

I hope that after my death, I'll go to heaven, where I can see Zenitsu again... and where we can stay together forever...

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