24. Full moon

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Inosuke's Pov:


I, too, turned pale, and my heart stopped. "W-WHAT?!?!?!?!??!" I asked in complete shock. Nezuko also turned pale and made an agitated noise, "MHMHMM!!!!!" Tanjiro jumped up, grabbed his katana, and Nezuko crawled into the box. Tanjiro jumped up immediately. "QUICK! WE NEED TO INFORM MISS KOCHO! WE HAVE TO GO FIND HIM!"

He shouted excitedly. I nodded frantically and quickly, also grabbed my katana, and ran in the direction of Shinobu Kocho's room. Tanjiro knocked quickly and excitedly on the door. I think he wanted to hold back, but he was also really scared for Zenitsu. Understandable. After all, he was his best friend!... and my love... There was a somewhat annoyed sigh behind the door, and shortly after, it opened. Shinobu Kocho stood behind it, and when she saw our panicked faces plus Chuntaro chirping agitatedly, she just stared at us in confusion.

"Tanjiro? Nezuko? Wild boar fuck boy—Uh, I mean; Inosuke?" She asked, puzzled. "Miss-... Miss Kocho! Emergency!" Tanjiro gasped, completely out of breath. "I-It's Zenitsu... Zenitsu... Seems to be injured!" Tanjiro finally got out, and Nezuko nodded eagerly with a concerned look. Miss Kocho's eyes widened.

"What?!- So- What exactly happened?" Shinobu asked, half confused, half excited. "We don't know!" I shouted, pointing quickly at Chuntaro. "He! He told us!!" Miss Kocho's gaze quickly moved to Chuntaro, who started chirping again.

Miss Kocho looked more and more panicked the longer she listened to Zenitsu's sparrow. "O-Okay, I-I'll call a few Medical Demon Slayers. You go outside and wait for us. It'll only take a minute. If we wait any longer, he might die!"

At the last sentence, I got goosebumps, and I wanted to start crying again. Shinobu disappeared back into her room, grabbed her katana, said something to the little butterfly girls and Kanao, and then rushed past us at a quick pace, her hand on the katana.

"Mi-Miss Kocho!" I shouted on reflex. She turned around, looking at me questioningly. "W-Will we find him?" It was good that she couldn't see that tears were streaming down my cheeks again.

Once I started crying, I had to keep crying continuously, especially when it came to Zenitsu. She bit her lower lip and seemed to think for a moment. Then she apparently wanted to say something but stopped. Then she cleared her throat once and looked at me again. "I'll do my best."

And with those words, she turned around and walked away. I didn't know how to feel after those words, but eventually, I decided to turn around as well and ran after Tanjiro and Nezuko, who were already a few meters ahead of me since they had left earlier. Fortunately, we didn't have to go back to the guest room to get Nezuko's box, as it was already dark outside, which I had noticed with a fleeting glance out the window earlier. So we ran directly towards the entrance.

Just as we came out, we already noticed Miss Kocho, who stood at the entrance with Kanao and a few Medical Demon Slayers. Her lilac-violet eyes shone through the dark night. But next to Kanao was a person I would have preferred never to see again. If Zenitsu's life hadn't been at stake here, I would have definitely turned around and left.

There, next to Kanao and Miss Kocho, stood... Aoi Kanzaki. When she saw me, she got a little shock, quickly turned her head in the other direction, and pretended to be watching the almost black silhouettes of the trees and grass swaying in the pleasant breeze.

Despite the silvery shimmering full moon in the sky and the occasional yellow to white shining stars in the sky, it was almost pitch black already. The cool evening air hung invisibly in the air, and I got goosebumps. Not from the cold: it was Zenitsu who worried me so much. I... I was just so scared. What if he... maybe is already dead?! Or we won't find him in time?!?

At these terrible thoughts, my throat tightened. Calm down, Inosuke! It won't help you, the others, or Zenitsu if you completely lose it now! However, Miss Kocho also seemed very nervous. When she had also seen us, she nodded once to Tanjiro, said something to Kanao and the Medical Demon Slayers, and then shouted:

"To all Demon Slayers! We are looking for Zenitsu Agatsuma, a boy about 1.60 meters tall, blond, 15 years old, and a user of the Thunder Breathing! He wears a yellow haori and does not carry a katana! He is likely severely injured, and the only thing we know is that he is somewhere in the forest near a rugged slope! He has a deep wound on the back of his head and suspicion of a skull base fracture! It won't take much longer until he's dead, so we need to hurry! Kanao and Aoi come with me, the Medical Demon Slayers go in groups of three, and you three," she looked at us with her sparkling eyes. "You search together! Whoever finds him, raise the alarm immediately! No matter what happens, you must not separate! GO!"

All Medical Demon Slayers nodded once and ran off in groups of three. Miss Kocho also seemed nervous. When she had seen us too, she nodded once to Tanjiro, said something to Kanao and the Medical Demon Slayers, and then shouted:

"To all Demon Slayers! We are looking for Zenitsu Agatsuma, a boy about 1.60 meters tall, blond, 15 years old, and a user of the Thunder Breathing! He wears a yellow haori and does not carry a katana! He is likely severely injured, and the only thing we know is that he is somewhere in the forest near a rugged slope! He has a deep wound on the back of his head and suspicion of a skull base fracture! It won't take much longer until he's dead, so we need to hurry! Kanao and Aoi come with me, the Medical Demon Slayers go in groups of three, and you three," she looked at us with her sparkling eyes. "You search together! Whoever finds him, raise the alarm immediately! No matter what happens, you must not separate! GO!"

All the Medical Demon Slayers nodded once and ran off in groups of three. Miss Kocho, Aoi, and Kanao, however, stayed at the entrance for a moment. I felt a surge of anger seeing Aoi here, but I pushed it down. Zenitsu's life was on the line, and I couldn't afford to let my emotions get the better of me.

Miss Kocho turned only to me and seemed to direct two violet lasers directly at my soul. "Don't worry, Inosuke! I won't allow another Demon Slayer to die for such an unfair reason!" And with those words, she turned and walked into the dark forest with Aoi and Kanao.

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