13. Confession

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Zenitsu's Pov: 

I immediately looked in the direction Tanjiro was pointing. I was hoping so much that it was a certain person standing there, and luckily, fate didn't disappoint me. There was Inosuke Hashibira. My heart skipped a beat, and internally, I screamed with joy.

I looked back at Tanjiro. "D-do you think... Maybe I should!" Tanjiro and Nezuko nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely! You can do it!" Tanjiro said courageously. "Hmm!!!" Nezuko chimed in as well.

I was so excited, but eventually, I stood up slowly, trying not to draw Inosuke's immediate attention. I looked back at the two of them, hoping they would somehow discourage me and tell me that I shouldn't (at least not now), but they were still nodding eagerly. Somehow, I felt a little better with their strong encouragement in the matter. I truly could be so happy to have such friends. Nezuko now held up her "Go for it, Agatsuma!" drawing, and most of my uncertainty had disappeared.

I heard my own heart pounding in my head as I took one step after another toward Inosuke. At first, it still felt as if an iron chain was wrapped around my leg, trying to hold me back and pull me away. But then, I reminded myself that I would only trip myself up again and confirm what a coward I was.

I clenched my hand into a fist and gritted my teeth. "Go, Zenitsu! You can do it... somehow..." I whispered. With each step, it became easier and easier to approach Inosuke. Now he was standing by the pond. Was he waiting for something or someone? Was he waiting for me?! Did he notice me??!! Does he maybe want to talk to me???!?!??! And perhaps, just maybe, forgive me, say that he loves me too, and be together with me?!?!?!??!?!?

Butterflies in my stomach went wild at this thought. Even though it was very, very unlikely, it was possible. I started walking faster. Heat spread across my face as I got closer to him. Finally, when I was only about 10 meters away from him, I gathered my courage, smiled, took a deep breath, and called out, "Hey, Ino—"

I stopped abruptly, and my smile froze instantly when I noticed that a fifth person had entered the garden... and this person was heading straight for Inosuke... And when I saw who it was, I felt like crying out in despair:

The person was about 16 years old... wearing a dark blue Demon Slayer uniform with a white belt but no katana, no haori. She wasn't particularly tall, had azure blue eyes, and her long black hair was tied into two pigtails with dark blue-purple butterfly-shaped pins:

Aoi Kanzaki.

And she was almost reaching Inosuke! I had to prevent this at all costs!!! I had a bad feeling when I saw her slight smile, her flushed cheeks, and a sky-blue letter in her hands, which she was trying to hide behind her back as much as possible.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to push Aoi away. I wanted to shout at her and tell her that Inosuke was MINE. I wanted to run back to Tanjiro and Nezuko and cry my heart out to them, but I could only stand there, shocked and rooted to the spot.

Inosuke's Pov: It was that girl who kept showing up next to my bed! What did she want here? What was her name again... Naomi? Omani? Damn, I hate my short-term memory! She didn't look particularly well, as she was bright red. A bit like a tomato. Even though it seemed at first glance that the girl was looking down, I felt her gaze like deep needle pricks all over my skin. The first and only thing I felt afterward was discomfort. Strong discomfort.

I still didn't want to look up. I didn't even know what she wanted from me, or why she had summoned me here at this exact time! Even though my oversized ego, called 'the great boss and king of the mountains, Inosuke Hashibira', would never admit it, the whole situation was extremely uncomfortable for me, and I just wanted to get away from here! Away... away... DAMN IT, I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!

Zenitsu's Pov: Tanjiro and Nezuko had appeared behind me by now and looked just as shocked as I was. "Hey... Inosuke..." Aoi finally started. She looked away. "Hey..." Inosuke replied in a volume that was barely audible, even to me. "So... um... How are you?" she asked again. Inosuke, however, just shrugged. Suddenly, Aoi looked like she was about to explode. Her face turned bright red, she looked down, bit her lower lip, and seemed to want to say something important. "...Um... HERE!!!" she said suddenly, quickly extending the light blue letter to Inosuke. Inosuke suddenly looked at her with surprise, but still with his dull, moss-green eyes. Aoi still avoided looking at Inosuke, even as he took the letter with trembling hands.

"...So, before, I thought... well... you were just a stupid... reckless guy wearing an ugly boar mask, eating other people's food..." she whispered as Inosuke slowly opened the envelope. "B-but you've... how should I put it... changed..." she continued, looking embarrassed, but still not daring to look at Inosuke. She smiled, her cheeks bright red, and my world collapsed.

"That... that can't be... This is a joke... This isn't real... Not real!!!" I stammered, shocked. I felt Tanjiro's and Nezuko's hands on my shoulders, and eventually, their arms lovingly embraced me. But I didn't care right now, because I was dying inside.

Inosuke had finally fully opened the letter. I could see that there was an azure blue piece of paper inside. I think Nezuko and Tanjiro were saying something the whole time, trying to calm me down, but after a few seconds, I could only hear them vaguely, and eventually, not at all. My brain just tuned them out, and I heard and saw nothing but Inosuke and Aoi.

"...You're much calmer now, not wearing that mask anymore, and... well..." She became even redder. "You're really cool... and you even wear shirts sometimes now. Your hair somehow looks more groomed than before, and your eyes... don't look as wild as they used to, but so... calm... and I somehow find that... so... great..."

Suddenly, my arms and legs felt so lifeless, and I collapsed. If it hadn't been for Tanjiro and Nezuko holding me tightly, I would have fallen to the ground. I think they were calling my name and shaking me, but I just continued to stare at Inosuke and Aoi.

My eyes welled up as Inosuke unfolded the paper completely. "And I... I..." Inosuke eventually finished unfolding the paper, and I could see what was written on it:

It was just a heart, but that confirmed my worst fears. Finally, Aoi took a deep breath and then shouted loudly, "I... I LOVE YOU!"

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