33. Opposites / End

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Zenitsu's POV:


The sun was shining, the birds were singing. Not a single demon in sight. How beautiful. I was fully recovered by now, sitting alone on a bench in front of the Butterfly Estate.

Tanjiro, Inosuke, and I had decided that this would be our last day at the Butterfly Estate, as we didn't want to burden Miss Kocho any longer. It was late summer, yet still pleasantly warm as if it were midsummer, even though the grass-green leaves on the trees were slowly changing colors.

Suddenly, I felt two muscular arms wrap around me from behind. I didn't startle, knowing exactly that it was none other than Inosuke. I chuckled and placed my hand on his, which he had placed on my chest from behind.

"Hey..." I heard his voice by my ear. It was crazy; even though Inosuke was still hyperactive 24 hours a day, he could also be so calm.

"Can... Can I sit next to you?" he asked cautiously.

"Of course!" I laughed and pulled him onto the bench next to me.

"The weather is really nice, isn't it?" I said with sparkling eyes as I dreamily looked towards the sky.

"Mhm..." Inosuke made a sleepy sound and leaned against me.

"Hey, say something too! If I keep talking all the time, it's so cringe!"

Inosuke looked surprised all of a sudden. "What... What is 'cringe'?" he asked confused. I burst into laughter when I saw his bewildered expression.

"Hey, what's so funny!?" "Oh Inosuke, you don't even know that..." Inosuke playfully crossed his arms, looking mockingly offended. 

"You don't need to know weird words to be the king of the mountains!" I started laughing again, and Inosuke joined in. "You know what's really crazy, Inosuke?" I finally asked after a few minutes.

"Actually... Well, we're completely different... I mean, we're complete opposites, you know? I mean, you're confident, and I'm not. You're brave, and I'm not, and-"

"Yeah! I'm the cooler-looking one of us!"

Inosuke tossed his hair like a model, and we both burst into laughter again.

"But overall, you're right! We are opposites! But you know what?" He brought his face closer to mine. "I... I like it that way!" And with those words, he kissed me. Then, as he turned away with a smile, I turned bright red.

"Awwww! That's too cute for my heart, Inosuke!!!" I covered my face with my hands. Now it was Inosuke who started laughing.

"But you know, what we haven't decided yet?" Inosuke asked after a few seconds. With an innocent look, I removed my hands from my face.


"Who's stronger, of course! Actually, I would challenge you to a fight, but since I don't fight against myself..."

He came closer again.


I squealed as Inosuke started tickling me.

"HEYYY!!! INOSUKE!!!!! I DON'T LIKE THAT!!!!" I laughed and tickled him back in retaliation. After a few minutes, we were both tired and back on the bench.

I had laid my head on Inosuke's shoulder, and he had taken me in his arms. I wanted to try something... but... Oh, I'll just do it now! With a cat-like leap, I sat on Inosuke's lap. Inosuke immediately turned bright red.

"HEY... WHAT... WHERE... UH..."

I giggled.

"Ohhh, you're sooo cute when you don't know what to say!"

Opposites - Inosuke x ZenitsuWhere stories live. Discover now