22. Dying

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Inosuke's Pov:


Quickly, Aoi pulled away from me as we both noticed the person who had appeared beside us. It was Zenitsu Agatsuma. When he saw us, his eyes filled with tears. I tried to explain to him that Aoi had just kissed me, but he turned around and ran away! I left Aoi standing there and ran after Zenitsu, who had started crying.

Damn, he was faster than ever! I just couldn't catch up to him! Crap, crap, crap! Quickly, I realized it was pointless as the distance between Zenitsu and me grew larger and larger. And as I was also careless and slipped on the smooth wooden floor, I lost him completely. When I looked up, everything was blurry.

"...Z-Zenitsu... please..." I whispered, close to tears. I felt the gaze of a specific person behind me, and I definitely didn't want to start crying in front of that person. "AOI, DAMN IT!!!! WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU DO THAT?!" I shouted at Aoi, who just looked down, embarrassed. Don't cry... don't cry... "DAMN IT, CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!" I yelled at her. I was angrier than ever. "...I'm sorry... I don't know..." she whispered quietly.

I actually wanted to shout at her even more since she might have just ruined my relationship with Zenitsu forever, but I felt my eyes slowly filling with tears, and besides, it was more important to find Zenitsu now! I think he hates himself the most, and after this action, I don't want to leave him alone. I ran towards the room to get my katanas and the boar mask because if I had to cry, I didn't want anyone to notice.

My only concern right now was Zenitsu. I hope nothing happens to him... or worse: I hope he doesn't do something to himself! Shortly after putting on my mask, I could already feel tears streaming down my cheeks. At least, no one could see that. Maybe it would be best to tell Mrs. Kocho what had happened. Yes! That's a good idea! I'll do that! But before I could pound on Mrs. Kocho's door, Tanjiro and Nezuko intercepted me.

"Inosuke! Zenitsu just ran by crying, and he went outside—" "HE WENT OUTSIDE?!" I asked horrified, staring at the two. I tried to make my voice sound as unharmed as possible so they wouldn't notice that I was on the verge of crying. "Y-yes, we wanted to stop him, but he was just too fast! I thought maybe he was crying because he got a difficult mission and is terrified of demons, but I think he didn't have his katana with him, and—" "WHAT?!??!?" I shouted.

"W-what happened?!" Tanjiro asked, now horrified, and I just told him everything. I told him about Aoi's kiss, the misunderstanding, and how Zenitsu just ran away without me being able to explain what exactly happened! Actually, I had planned not to tell Tanjiro and Nezuko anything for now, but I was just so devastated and desperate. In the end, I couldn't take it anymore and started crying and trembling uncontrollably.

Tanjiro embraced me, just like Nezuko. Under normal circumstances, I would have pushed them away and made fun of their behavior, but this time, I hugged them back. Weird. I always thought hugs and stuff were pure garbage. But sometimes, a hug can really feel good... "-T-Tanjiro... what... should I do?.." I asked while tears streamed down my neck and chest. I think Tanjiro needed a moment himself to process what I had just said and paused before continuing.

"M-maybe he just needs some space... I-I mean, maybe it's best for both of you to take a little distance, at least for a few hours. Maybe he needs time to think... and maybe crying will do him good too. Sometimes that's how it is, you know? Sometimes crying makes you feel better, and... I'm sure he'll be ready to talk to you later."

As painful as it was... Tanjiro was right. Maybe Zenitsu is sitting somewhere in the forest right now... maybe with Chuntaro and the crows from me and Tanjiro... and crying. Just the thought of Zenitsu crying was like a deep stab with a katana right into my heart. But as I said, I think Tanjiro is right... but still, a part of me didn't really want to accept that yet. "B-but what...- what if he...- he d-doesn't c...come b-back?" I cried.

Nezuko hugged me even tighter, and Tanjiro continued talking calmly with me. "I'm sure he's okay! He just needs some time! I'm sure he already misses you! Just give him some time!" I nodded, took off the mask, and wiped my tear-streaked face. "Y-yeah... But if he doesn't show up before it gets dark... w-we'll go l-look for him, r-right?" I started sobbing again.

"Please don't cry, Inosuke! I don't think it will come to that, but yes. Then we'll tell Mrs. Kocho and go look for him. I promise!" I hugged Tanjiro back, put my head on his shoulder, and quietly continued crying. "...O-okay... Y-you're r-right... I th-think Zen...- Zenitsu just... n-needs s-some t-time..." Even though I spoke the words myself, they somehow sounded-... Well, okay... I should listen to Tanjiro. Above all, Zenitsu is not weak, and certainly not cowardly. I mean, okay, sometimes he really was a little scaredy-cat, but not when it mattered! Definitely not! Zenitsu was everything but weak!!! He'll probably show up in an hour at the latest. Besides, he can take care of himself! He won't... well... die or something...

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