14. Forgiveness

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Zenitsu's Pov: 

Now Inosuke was really looking at her. "W-what?!" he asked, shocked. "Haven't you heard?! I love you, Inosuke Hashibira!" With flushed cheeks, she moved closer to him. "...I never thought you could change so positively, and... and become calm... and cool..." Inosuke lowered his head. "...So please accept my feelings and become my boyfriend!" she finally said.

I felt dizzy as Inosuke lifted his head to say something. "Aoi..." he started speaking. Aoi blushed even more, and I was prepared to just drop dead. For me, everything was over. I knew what he was going to say... and I was afraid of it.

Inosuke took a deep breath to continue, and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. "...I'm really sorry, but I have to decline." "What?!" I asked, completely shocked as my consciousness slowly returned. "W-what?! Aoi also asked, equally shocked.

"I'm really sorry, Aoi..." Inosuke repeated, lifted his head, and looked Aoi in the eyes. "...but I have to decline." Me, Nezuko, Tanjiro, and Aoi all stared at Inosuke in complete shock. "You see... the things you find great about me... that's not me." There was deep sadness in his voice.

"...Someone broke my heart, and... I'm still very sad about it, as I really liked that person a lot." What? Inosuke genuinely liked me?! Like, really?! Suddenly, a strange gleam appeared in his eyes.

"...But... still, that person means a lot to me, and..." Suddenly, he started smiling, and the old spark in his eyes returned! His eyes lit up brightly again, and that sparkling shimmer returned! Just like before the kiss!

"...I really want to win that person back, because I firmly believe... that that person is the right one!" Aoi, who had previously looked sad and downcast, also started smiling suddenly and looked at Inosuke understandingly.

"I understand, Inosuke," she finally said, still smiling. "This is the first time I've seen you smile again in a while. You're absolutely right, that's not you, and I should accept that. And if that person makes you as happy as you look right now, I'll definitely support you wholeheartedly!"

She said eagerly and then started laughing. "We can be friends if you want!" she added. Inosuke shyly nodded. "And... what's the person's name?" she asked.

Inosuke smiled even more and then finally said, "...Zenitsu Agatsuma..." As Inosuke said that, I couldn't hold back anymore, broke away from Nezuko and Tanjiro, and ran to him as fast as I could, tears welling up in my eyes. "INOOOOOOOOOSUKEEEEEEE!!!"

I cried out, half happy and half touched. "Zeni-?" he was about to ask, but I interrupted him by throwing my arms around his neck. "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SO SO SO SORRRRRRY!!!!!" I pressed my face against his warm chest.

"IT WASN'T A MISTAKE!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?! NOT A DAMN MISTAKE!!!! IT'S ME WHO'S THE MISTAKE!!!! I LOVE YOU, INOSUKE!!!! GOT IT?! I MEAN IT!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE YOU, DAMMIT!!!!" I started crying and hugged him even tighter.

Then I felt his strong arms wrap around my upper body. "I love you too, Zenitsu!" he whispered in my ear. Then he looked into my eyes, and he smiled so beautifully and joyfully, like he hadn't in a long time.

Seeing that, I screamed with joy and cried even harder. Without him realizing it, I jumped into his arms. He tightly wrapped his arms around my thighs and lifted me effortlessly.

"But please don't cry again because you think it was a mistake, okay?" he said then, pressing his forehead against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laughed as tears continued to flow down my cheeks.

"No! Never!" I managed to say eventually. "I-I'm just so happy that... that everything is okay now!" Eventually, he brought his lips closer to mine, and I immediately felt the heat again.

"Ca-... Can I kiss you?" he asked cautiously. I was so happy that he even asked beforehand. But I didn't even bother to answer; I simply kissed him on the lips. It was such an overwhelming feeling that I never wanted it to end.

I felt him laugh into the kiss, and I did the same. Suddenly, I felt something drop onto my cheek, but it definitely wasn't from my eye. Somewhat surprised, I pulled away from Inosuke's tender lips.

"Inosuke, what—" Suddenly, I saw his red eyes, tears streaming from them. "What's wrong? Are you crying?" I asked, unable to hold back a laugh. Inosuke immediately looked away and wiped his eyes.

"...No... I'm just... allergic... to pollen..." he said with a voice choked by tears. Then he laughed, pressing his lips back onto mine. Then he hugged me so tightly that I probably broke 2 or 3 ribs.

"Hey! Oh man, you crazy boar!" I said with a red face and pounded his chest. Inosuke laughed and lifted me even higher into the air.

"Zenitsu Agatsuma, I'm not good with words and actions, but... maybe you want to... become my boyfriend... Like... for real... like... you know..." Inosuke turned bright red, and I think at that moment, he wished he had just kept his mask on.

I laughed again, overjoyed. "YEEES! YES, YES, DEFINITELY!" I wrapped my arms around his neck again and pushed him back so hard that we both fell backward into the grass. "Whoah-!, Hey!" Inosuke exclaimed, but after a short while, he started laughing again.

I was over him, placing my forehead against his. "I love you, you crazy boar." he finally said. "Shut up, you idiot," I whispered with a smile before our lips met again.

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