15. Sunbeams

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Zenitsu's Pov:

-Several hours later -

Sunbeams blinded me... Great start to the day. I was about to turn to the side to grumble and continue sleeping, when someone held me tightly. Half-asleep, Inosuke wrapped an arm around me... oh crap, did I fall asleep on him?! My face turned red.

I wanted to just roll off Inosuke's warm, strong chest, then fall off the bed onto the floor, die of a concussion, and finally find my unspectacular and embarrassing peace in the cold breath of death... But Inosuke kept holding me tightly in his arms.

Oh man... he's even strong in his sleep! So I saw no other option and just let my hot head fall onto his chest. Finally, I looked up at him. His mouth was slightly open, and a few dark blue strands of hair hung over his flawless face. I cautiously brushed the strands away from his face. He looked so super cute now!

Although, he always looked super cute and adorable! I blushed again. When he was lying like that, he seemed so calm, and you wouldn't expect how wild and daring he really is! My gaze shifted from his closed eyes to his soft lips.

At first, I didn't want to, but eventually, I couldn't resist, closed my eyes, and kissed him gently. I loved this feeling when I kissed Inosuke. His lips tasted somehow like... freedom... Can you really taste something like that, or am I going crazy? But I still loved that taste so much, and a smile formed on my lips.

Carefully, without breaking the kiss, I opened my eyes to admire Inosuke's beautiful face and his calm, closed eyes. But as I did, Inosuke was just opening his eyes! I immediately let go of his lips, freed myself from Inosuke's now loose grip, and turned away with a fiery red face.

Inosuke was a bit confused at first, but then burst into laughter, which made me even redder. "Don't laugh... idiot..." I said with an offended red face, and then realized how tsundere-like that sounded. But Inosuke just laughed even harder and stronger. "Hey! Now- Mh!" I turned back to Inosuke to make him stop, when he just kissed me on the mouth. I was completely caught off guard by him and all my senses went completely numb. Inosuke leaned over me, continuing to kiss me. My goodness... Why could he kiss so well?!

I thought with my former hobby as a 'full-time peeper of cute girls and women', I would definitely be better at this than Inosuke, but I didn't stand a chance. I was stunned as he finally pulled away from me. He smiled with a mischievous expression. "You don't need to be embarrassed if you find me so hot that you have to kiss me like that!" My cheeks turned hot again, but I didn't want to show him that!

He shouldn't know how right he was and how right he was with every single one of his words! So I only saw one option left, and that was: Distraction! So I slid away from him a bit and asked, "Um... Uh... W-what time is it, I-Inosuke?" I asked quickly with a smile that should seem as innocent as possible... which I think wasn't particularly credible.

But Inosuke seemed genuinely surprised, and I secretly cheered. Well done, Zenitsu! It was actually practical to know what time it was because my memories of the last few hours were totally blurred. Inosuke turned his head to the large wooden clock. "We have..." Short pause before he turned back to me. He looked into my eyes again with that daring, hot expression. "... 8:00 PM."

So about 8 hours had passed... oh shit, how could I have slept so deeply and for so long?! But I wanted to keep distracting myself from all my embarrassment, so I continued with the questions I already wanted to ask: "Where's Tanjiro?" I asked. Inosuke thought for a moment before finally saying, "Tanjiro went for a walk with Nezuko... since he can only do that when it's dark, he only does it in the evenings."

Keep asking, Zenitsu... "And... what else happened in the last 8 hours while I was sleeping?" I asked. At least this distraction was a win-win for me in every sense. This time, Inosuke didn't even hesitate, and immediately said, as if he had memorized the questions I asked and the answers he had to give: "So, we got together, kissed again, you tackled me, we kissed again, but the whole thing seemed to drain your energy because you suddenly looked really tired, so I carried you to bed, you fell asleep immediately, I got tired too when I saw you sleeping so peacefully, so I just lay down next to you without asking, fell asleep too, and woke up when you kissed me directly on the lips because you couldn't resist my good looks! And now you're trying to distract me with questions, so this doesn't turn into a big makeout session!"

Yes. Immediately, I turned bright red again. How did he figure it out (especially the last part)?! Did he study me or something?! No! Not with me! I leaned forward to him and got really close to his face. "...Who says..." I started with an amused grin, alternately staring at his bright green eyes and then back at his soft, rosy lips, knowing that this would drive him crazy. "...who says I want to prevent that? 

I whispered, very close to his face. Suddenly, Inosuke's whole dominant, daring manner seemed to have been blown away when he blushed and got goosebumps. I was secretly happy that I was now the more dominant of the two of us and couldn't help but give a small, happy giggle. Inosuke's gaze eventually turned pleading, and I finally released him by leaning down and kissing him. The initially innocent kiss eventually turned into a fierce and demanding French kiss... in which he took the lead again!

I moaned every time our tongues met, and (albeit somewhat willingly,) I accepted after not too long that he was definitely the more dominant of the two of us in every way... and somehow I liked it.. .more and more!.. but... we couldn't do that!.. not here... right?.. I hope he didn't ask me because I'm afraid I won't say no then. Then he pulled his lips from mine. I still had its delicious taste in my mouth and just hoped that it would never fade! "...I...Inosuke..." I gasped, eyes wide. "...Z...Zenitsu..." He answered, also panting and breathing heavily. Briefly there was a brief silence in which we and just looked into each other's eyes with glowing cheeks and heavy breathing. Please don't ask... Inosuke... Please just don't ask... because... otherwise... I couldn't pull myself together anymore, quickly grabbed Inosuke's shoulders and turned him around so that I looked up sat him. More specifically, I was sitting right on his crotch. Inosuke just stared at me in surprise and didn't seem to have realized what was happening."I-Inosuke... Do you want to have sex with me?"

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