11. Trust

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Zenitsu's POV: 

In shock, Tanjiro stared at me, and I realized what I had just done; WHAT DID I JUST SAY?! DAMN, DAMN, DAMN! NOW HE KNOWS!!! NOW OUR FRIENDSHIP IS FOREVER RUINED, AND HE- But suddenly, Tanjiro started laughing. Now, I was the one staring at him in disbelief. "What... what's so funny?" I asked with a shaky voice. But Tanjiro just kept laughing! "Ze-Zenitsu!" he managed to say between laughs. "But- But I already suspected it!" A shock ran through my entire body. Tanjiro's words hit me like a lightning bolt. "W-what?!" I stammered. I forgot about crying in my astonishment. "Yes!" Tanjiro said with a smile after he had somewhat calmed down. "The way you always look at him... how you don't do everything with my sister anymore... The scent of embarrassment you always emit when you see him!"

I was completely taken aback. "And... you still like me? Even though I-" "Of course!" Tanjiro interrupted me before I could finish the sentence. I heard honesty in his voice. "I'm so happy for both of you! But..." His voice became somewhat more serious, and he looked at me sympathetically. "He seems pretty hurt... his whole personality has changed too..."

Guiltily, I looked down, and tears started streaming down my face again. "...I'm so incredibly sorry..." I managed to say. "...Tanjiro... please... what should I do?"

I started sobbing bitterly again. I felt Tanjiro's warm hand on my shoulder. Slowly, I lifted my head and looked at him. He did the same.

"Don't worry, Zenitsu! Whenever you're around Inosuke, he smells of fear, sadness, and despair. But I also detect other scents coming from him: I smell embarrassment, relief, and even a hint of hope. I believe that if you just explain how you feel to him, he'll definitely understand. I promise you he'll be very happy! In fact, I'm firmly convinced that he shares your feelings for him!"

I swear, I wanted to hold back my tears this time, but I couldn't; "THANK YOU, TANJIROOOOOO!" I shouted ecstatically and hugged him tightly. "I'M SO HAPPY THAT YOU STILL WANT ME AS A FRIEND!!!!!!"

"No problem, Zenitsu! Really, no problem!" Tanjiro laughed somewhat surprised and hugged me back. After I had calmed down after a while, Tanjiro asked cautiously, "Do you think we can go back to bed?" I immediately jumped up and nodded eagerly. "Of course!" I said with a smile. I was just so happy. Tanjiro also stood up. Quietly, we walked to the door, went through it, and closed it behind us. "Be careful, Zenitsu," Tanjiro whispered ahead of me, although I could barely see him in the dim light. "We need to be very quiet, otherwise someone might hear-"

He stopped mid-sentence, and the next thing I heard were surprised screams and a pained groan. Shortly after, I was knocked over by something or someone. I had fallen onto two other people. One was undoubtedly Tanjiro, but I couldn't recognize the other person, who was slightly taller. Suddenly, a single light bulb above us turned on. Everything spun before my eyes. I looked around: The person I was lying on was, as expected, Tanjiro, but the other person was:


There was no doubt: Under me was unmistakably Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira! He looked up in surprise now, and his face turned redder than the flames on his kimono. "MISTER TENGEN?!" Tanjiro asked, equally perplexed. I immediately turned my head to where Tanjiro was looking, and there I saw him: The Sound Hashira, Uzui Tengen! He was the one who had just fought his way to the light switch to see what or who he had collided with together with Rengoku. Now he was staring at us too. There was a brief moment of awkward silence, which Tengen finally broke after a while: "Um, what- What are you guys doing here?" he asked, shocked.

"Are you serious?! What are YOU doing here?!" I retorted. Rengoku smiled as he always did, but this time it was an embarrassed smile. And he was very red. When neither of them answered, Rengoku gave Tengen a 'please help me' look. Even though he was still smiling, I could see in his eyes and feel from his accelerated heartbeat that he wanted to die of embarrassment right then and there. Tengen caught his gaze, which was like a silent cry for help, and immediately responded: "Oh, I and Kyojuro were just on one of our..." Short pause. "Night walks!" Rengoku suddenly chimed in.

Tengen looked at him briefly with a grateful glance, his face equally crimson. "Yeah! Just a little night walk among best friends!" With that, he pulled Rengoku up by the upper arm and wrapped an arm around him. "So, just among friends, because Kyojuro is my friend!" We just stared at both of them, utterly bewildered. I would have sworn that Rengoku had become even redder... if that was even possible.

"UH, SO I MEAN, MY BEST FRIEND, SO NOT THAT- YOU KNOW WHAT I M-" "It's okay, Mr. Tengen!" Tanjiro quickly interrupted. I think he, just like me, found the whole conversation extremely uncomfortable. They forgot to even ask why we were there at this time. Well, good for us. It's better if nobody asks any questions. "Alright then, get some more rest!" Rengoku finally said. "Come on, Uzui! Let's go for a walk... at night..." he added with a 'just get out of here' look, taking Tengen's hand and leading him away. In the exact opposite direction of the exit. Just as Rengoku turned around, I also noticed red marks on his neck... but maybe I just imagined it.

Once they were gone, the first thing I said was, "Do you think they're involved with each other?" I expected Tanjiro to remind me that it's better not to speculate on such private matters, but he just said, "Let's just go back to bed." So, I followed him. When we reached the guest room, we quietly returned to our beds and lay down again. Tanjiro fell asleep immediately. I could tell from his calm breathing and weak pulse.

Gradually, everything started turning black before my eyes the longer I lay there. I was just so relieved that Tanjiro now knew and that our friendship was saved. And he was right; maybe I actually still had a chance with Inosuke. With that comforting thought, I eventually fell asleep.

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