5. In Love

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Zenitsu's POV:

"Kiss. Me." I repeated as my face was very close to Inosuke's. "W-what?!" he asked, horrified, loosening his grip on my hands. I didn't even know why I had said that, but all I knew was that I wanted to kiss Inosuke. "You idiot, haven't you realized?! KISS ME!" I said with emphasis in my voice, maintaining eye contact. "Zenitsu, what- mmmph-!!!" He didn't get to say more as I freed myself from his loosened grip, took his hands, pressed him against the tree behind him, took a quick step closer to him, and kissed him! I didn't even know what I was doing. My emotions had completely taken over, but what I knew was that a part of my body wanted it. And a part of my body seemed to be enjoying it...!

Inosuke's POV:

I just stood there as Zenitsu pressed me against the tree and kissed me! I was completely overwhelmed, and I had no idea what to do or how to react! But somehow... I liked it? This warm feeling spread through my entire body. I had experienced this feeling before, but I had never felt it so strongly! Was I... in love with Zenitsu, perhaps? I had no idea what being in love felt like. Falling in love is just for wimps! I remember when Tanjiro had asked me if I was in love with someone or even was. "Pff, FALLING IN LOVE?! That's only for softies! I heard your senses become totally dull, and you turn into a complete idiot in your head! I don't need girls or anything like that!" I had confidently responded, stuffing an onigiri (Japanese rice ball wrapped in dried seaweed) into my mouth (to avoid saying anything more). "They don't have to be just girls, you sexist jerk," Zenitsu suddenly said, giving me a death glare. When did he show up again?! Then suddenly, he leaped over to Nezuko, who was sitting next to Tanjiro, and hugged her tightly. "...But for me, there's only my treasure, sweet Nezuko!" he exclaimed, his death glare turning into a smile. Nezuko, however, whimpered and tried to push Zenitsu away somehow. I guess she doesn't really like him. I had no idea whether it was because Zenitsu was hugging Nezuko like that or because of that stupid insult, but in that moment, I choked on my onigiri and... felt kind of hurt?! Without saying anything, I stood up, turned around, and started to walk away in a huff, when suddenly Tanjiro, who had been sitting next to me, grabbed my hand firmly. "Inosuke, wait!" "What?!" I asked, feeling offended. Then he smiled and said, "Everyone in the world has someone special. I'm sure that one day, you'll meet someone like that and fall in love too!" I broke free from his grip on my hand, and replied half-heartedly, "Not me! I will never, ever fall in love! I'm Inosuke Hashibira, the Beast Breathing Mountain God! I only love myself!" With that, I turned around and walked away. Behind me, I heard Zenitsu whispering to Tanjiro, "Tanjiro, I hate to admit it, but he's right! This idiotic monster doesn't care about anything or anyone! It's a miracle I'm still traveling with him!" I could sense, through the air, that he was flipping me off from behind. Nezuko took this opportunity to finally break free and crawl over to Tanjiro. Tanjiro lightly swatted Zenitsu's hand, which was still showing me the middle finger, so he pulled it back. Then he took Nezuko in his arms and stroked her while replying confidently, "No! I'm sure there's someone out there for Inosuke too! Even if he hasn't found that person yet!" I briefly went back in time and relived that day mentally before being brought back to reality. Could it really be that I was in love with Zenitsu Agatsuma?! His lips were still on mine, and somehow, it felt... amazing! I didn't want to accept these feelings, but at some point, I couldn't resist anymore. My heart was racing like crazy, and my brain, which felt like it was about to explode, wasn't much help. But I leaned in gently and kissed him back. I didn't even know why, but I wanted to. Zenitsu seemed a bit surprised, as he loosened his grip a little, but he didn't stop kissing me. My hands slid to his slender hips as he moved closer to me again. His hands traveled over my upper body to both sides of my face. He played with my hair, which somehow felt really... arousing! His kisses became more intense. So intense that I even gasped once. No, did I seriously just gasp?! I gasped?! But his kisses felt like electric shocks running through my whole body. But suddenly, Zenitsu pulled away and retreated. I looked at him questioningly, but he just lowered his head, allowing me to see his face under his yellow-orange hair that was falling over his eyes a bit. "Z-Zenitsu, what-" I began to ask with a, unusually for me, lowered voice, but suddenly, Zenitsu started sobbing.

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