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a/n: sorry if it gets confusing with all the spider-man's! i'll try my best!! for the time being, older peter is tobey and younger/other is andrew!

I use my watch to open a portal to Earth-199999. I put on my mask and walk through. Once I get through, I enter a house with another Spiderperson in the room on the ceiling. There are two teenagers in the middle of the room by a table in a defense stance holding bread. I take off my ask to see if I am seeing this right. I laugh, it's real, this is funny.

"What are you laughing about?" the girl teenager says to me. "Sorry, sorry. Just seeing you defending yourself with bread is hilarious." "Who are you?" the boy teenager asks. "I'm y/n, I'm a spiderperson as well but I call myself Toxic Spider." I add the last part because I found out by traveling multiverses that most people call themself Spiderman or women.

They look at me confused. "I was sent here to help out with your," I point to the other, very attractive, Spiderman, "problem. No offense." "None taken." Hey says jumping off the ceiling with a cobweb in hand. He looks familiar I don't know where I've seen him before. Eh, sometimes they just start to look familiar after awhile.

"So I can assume you are not from this universe." I ask Spiderman. "Nope. I was in mine and all of a sudden I'm in this one and I see this portal open up and walk through." I nod. I look at the teenagers who are for some reason still holding the bread. "Sorry where are my manners? What are your names?"

The taller one with the bread answers first, "I'm MJ and this is Ned." She motions her head to the other guy. He waves with a smile. "And your name?" I face the other Spiderman, now I know most of them are named some version of Peter Parker, but I always ask to be nice. "Peter Parker." he answers. "I figured." "What does that mean?" he says half laughing half offended. "Most Spiderman's I meet are named Peter Parker."

"Ours is named Peter Parker too." Ned adds. I point at him, "See!" I say smirking. He returns the smile. His smile is contagious, it makes me smile even more, and I'm probably blushing. "So you've traveled the multiverse?" Ned asks curiously while lowering his hands from his defensive position. "Yeah it's part of my job," I say placing my hands on my hips proudly.

"Wow that's so cool!" he says, excited like a little kid. "Okay we need to find Peter." Mj says, "Our Peter she adds." "Right. Okay let's try this again." Ned says while lifting his arms up. I look at his hands and see Stranger ring. They have the Avengers. I smile in remembrance and sadness.

He moves his hands around in a circle changing for Peter Parker. That's very specific, they are going to get any kind of Peter Parker by just saying that. But whatever, I don't want to ruin his moment. While this is happening I look over to see the other Peter looking at me, I smile at him. He smiles back shyly and look back at Ned. He's not afraid of my fangs.

After a few seconds, a portal behind the two teenagers opens up. An older Peter Parker walks through. This can't be their Peter Parker, unless they are friends with a 30 year old who dresses like a youth pastor.

He walks into to the room, waves, and says hi. "Hello. Um, I hope it's okay, I just came through this, uh-" The portals shuts behind him. "Oh it just closed." He finishes. "You're Peter Parker" Mj asks, sounding defensive. "Yeah Peter Parker. I...I've seen you before." he points to me. "Yeah I travel the multiverse so you probably have." I say it so nonchalantly when it's definitely something new for these people.

"Oh cool, yeah possibly." he says. He's a shy Peter Parker. Older Spiderman looks at the other, "Wait, he's- he's not your friend." he sounds as if he's on the defense. I sense it, they both are, somethings going to happen.

Almost like clockwork, they shoot webs at each other in unison. They are both Peter Parker. They both flip in mid-air and land while still being in unison. I just stand there, I should get some popcorn?

Finally, someone makes a move faster than the other. The older Peter is able to web the others hand onto what looks like a device wrapped around his wrist. Won't that block his wrist to shoot webs? The other Peter nods, impressed.

"Wait, so you're Spiderman too. Why didn't you say that?" Ned asks the older Peter. "I generally don't go around advertising it. Defeats the whole "anonymous superhero" thing." Older Peter answers. The other Peter whispers, "I just said that." Mj mumbles, "He just said that."

"Okay so the three of us are Spider people." I finally say, we need to get to the point here. Someone walks through the house, another one? No, it's an older lady. She says something in a language I don't know to Ned. "My Lola is asking if you could clean up the webs you just shot?" Ned says translating. "Oh, sorry Lola." younger Peter says, embarrassed. "Yeah, of course." older Peter says.

I start talking again while they clean up their messes, "Okay like I was saying, we need to get back on track and find YOUR Peter Parker." I point to Ned and Mj. "I agree," older Peter chimes in, "I've been trying to find him ever since I got here. I just have the sense that... that he needs my help." "Our help." the younger Peter corrects. I look at him, he's been looking at me the whole time again. I blush, he's so cute.

"He does." Mj says looking at all three of us who have moved in closer to the middle table. "We don't know where he is." Ned adds. "And um... honestly, right now, we are all he really has left." Mj says with sadness. Oh no, his cannon event.

Older Peter speaks first, "Well, uh, is there some place that he might go to that has meaning to him? Like a place where he would go to just" "Get away from everything?" the other Peter and I say at the same time. We look at each other and smile. The older Peter continues to talk, "For me, it was the top of the Chrysler building," "Empire State. It's just... it's just a better view." the younger Peter says "It is a sweet view." I say. "But mine was the Brooklyn Bridge on my Earth." No one seems to notice the "was" but I see something in the younger Peter, he caught it.

Mj has a sense of realization come across her face, "Yes. Yeah. I...I think I know exactly where that would be."

a/n: AHHH HERE WE AREEEE!!!! only took seven parts 🫠 hope u guys enjoyed this one! <3

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