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"Will I ever see you again?"

"If you want the truth, I don't know" 

You reply, giving Pocahontas a sad smile, your eyes tearing up.

The Native American opens his arms, inviting you to a hug which you gladly accept. 

"I will always be here when you return, Awinita...or should I call you (Y/n)?"

"Awinita is better"

"Can you hurry up? I won't wait for you forever"

Adrian watched the whole interaction with annoyance and decided it was a good idea to ruin the moment by opening his mouth.

You pull away, to glare at the blond with contempt, and Pocahontas only sneers.

"You better not speak like that again or I will punish you as I did an hour ago"

Adrian shivers, remembering the pain of the stabbing, he had to endure.

But he could easily get back at you by using his powers, but he doesn't want to.

Because simply...Adrian is a slave to the obsessive love he has towards you, he just finds it hard to kill you.

Though he promised to do that, in the end, his possessive love disorder wins.

Come on, you are the reader, who dares not love you?

"I want you to always know that when you return, I will be waiting for you" Pocahontas promises with a determined tone.

"If you want me to wait for you as a friend and a brother, I don't mind"

Your mouth shapes an 'O' form, understanding what he is implying, before he continues.

"...and if you want me to be a long-distance lover, I also don't mind"

You cough awkwardly, trying to calm your hot cheeks, and beating heart.

Yet, you are feeling like you are forgetting someone.

Oh, wait, Maleficent.

"Goodbye," you say, giving him one last tight hug.

"I believe the best wording is 'see you soon' Awinita" the tribal man whispers, kissing your cheek then lets go to allow you to leave.

You place your hand on the cheek he kissed, then stutter out the following words.

"You are correct"


"So, you are telling me that it's easy to transport to another fandom just like that?"


You stare in mistrust at Adrian after he tells you how to use the transportation powers you inherited from your father.

It's simple, you just have to imagine the place you want to travel to and the people who live in that place, you have to concentrate deeply.

"Try it, but keep in mind, that your powers have limits, you could use it every 72 hours" you sneer at him.

"Now, I'm assured you are fooling me, how can you and my father use transportation any time you want, but I can't"

"Because we are stronger"

You sigh and close your eyes.

"What are you doing?"


"Well, where do you want to go?"

You don't answer the fair godfather as you allow your imagination to unfold.

But unfortunately, you mistakenly imagine something else.

Instead of ending up in Wonderland to meet your father.

You end up in front of a huge black beast.

A dragon.

'How to Train Your Dragon' is not even Disney work.

However, you don't know that your powers could transport you to the DreamWorks universe only.

"Toothless, you scared the poor girl"

You watch as a handsome young man runs up to his dragon, you notice his metal leg immediately.


You mumble under your breath, as the said dragon tamer turns to you with a smile on his face.

"I apologize for his behaviour, but Toothless is pretty harmless"

You nod your head slowly, giving him a smile to assure him that you are fine with the whole thing.

"Can I pat him?" you inquire.

"Yes, but be careful, he is not friendly with strangers-"

You pat the dragon gently, making the creature relax at your touch.

"I guess Toothless finds you friendly"

When you were about to agree, a voice cuts in the conversation.

"Didn't I tell you to wait for me"

Your heart drops in your chest upon seeing the beautiful blond man.

He has a well-built body and is tall and strict looking.

The Viking is prettier than any man you saw.

You shamefully admit that he is better looking than Maleficent.

And you didn't expect Astrid to be a man here.

Wait, Astrid is a MAN!

Dark Disney: Dark Lovers| Dark Reverse Harem x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now