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"I'm not going with you anywhere, and I doubt very much that my dad blessed our marriage"

You try to pull your hand away from Maleficent's grasp.

He let's go of you, with hurt appearant in his eyes at your actions.

"I thought you loved me"

You did love, but it's in the past.

Or do you still love him?

Maybe if he kisses you, you will figure out if you love him or not.

And hopefully you are able to break the curse.

Maybe, then, you will consider giving a second chance.

"Maleficent, can I kiss you?"

Beau mouth drops in shock at your request, confused at your sudden change of mood.

"Of course, my dove"

Maleficent replies, before pulling you into a deep kiss.

As your lips meet his, they're soft and firm, a mixture of gentleness and strength that's almost impossible to resist.

But you don't feel any change at all.

Which means Maleficent's kiss isn't a true love's kiss.

You pull away from him.

"I'm glad you finally decided to accept your position as my wife"

"No, I don't accept it, sorry"

Maleficent was about to snap at your answer until the beast comes in.

"Who are you? and why are you causing so much disturbance"

Prince Adam demands, approaching Maleficent, who stares at him in disgust.

"Do not tell me you reject me because you have different interests now"

"What are you talking about?!" Adam growls at the Faerie king.

"I'm talking about (Y/n) liking an ugly beast like you"

"I will show you how to not disrespect me"

"I would advice you against it"

Beau says, but Adam ignores him, and launchs at Maleficent, ready to attack him with his sharp nails.

But Maleficent is quick to use his magic, causing a purple smoke to surround Adam's that you can't see him anymore.

You don't why but you thought Maleficent would turn him into a cat.

However, instead he turned him back to his human form, the clothes are also way too big on his body.

Adam tumbles to the ground, his human form unsteady as he tries to recover from the sudden change.

You and Beau take a step towards Adam, trying to soothe the prince's shock. "Are you alright?"

Everyone is surprised except for Maleficent who doesn't seem amazed.

"He is not even attractive, what do you even see in him?" Maleficent states, feeling jealous.

You, curious and hopeful, gesture towards Maleficent with a request.

"If you can break curses, can you break mine?

Maleficent raises an eyebrow at your question.

"You are cursed?"

"Yes, my curse is making everyone have a strange obsession with me, and a true love's kiss is the only thing to break it" you explain.

"You kissed me to break the curse?"

"Yes" you reply.

"So, I'm not your true love!"

Furious Maleficent isn't a pretty terrifying sight to see at all, but you collected your courage to face his wrath.

"Listen, you are obsessed with me, you don't truly love me" you point out.

Yet, it only made the Faeri king more angry.

"If breaking the curse will stop me from loving you, I will never ever break it!"

Dark Disney: Dark Lovers| Dark Reverse Harem x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now