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The awkward silence lingered in the air as you sipped your tea, eyes peering at the detailed patterns on the china cup.

Prince Adam, in his beast form, huffed softly, his eyes on you, studying your reaction intently.

You heart pounded in your chest, before clearing your throat.

"Um, I think it's best if I tell you my story to explain, well, everything, even my curse" You paused, glancing at the Beast with a hint of wary.

"You also have a curse?" Adam asks with surprise.

"Yes, and I believe that understanding our curses might be the key for our salvations."

The Beast, sensing your honesty, nodded.

"Tell me then," he said, his voice rumbling like thunder.

Before you could say anything, Bernard barges into the room, looking panicked.

"What are you doing here, Beau?" Adam demands, feeling annoyed that the contract got intruppeted.

"Your name is Beau?" You ask with confusion.

The young booklover chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yes, but I prefer when people call me Bernard, because it's more realistic"

"You still haven't answered me" the prince points out.

Beau bites down on his tongue as the prince's tone held a sharp edge.

"I was searching for (Y/n)" He hesitated, his eyes darting to avoid your gaze. "Just to make sure she is fine"

Your cheeks flush with embarrassment at his admission, as you notice his protectiveness towards you.

"Thank you, Beau, for looking after me." You mutter softly.

His attitude reminds you of Pocahontas.

You suddenly stand up, putting the now empty tea cup down on the smalle table beside the chair.

"Thank you for welcoming me into your hone, but I think I should leave now" you announce.

"Wait, you still haven't told me your story yet" Adam stops you.

You hesitate for a moment, trying to come up with an excuse that doesn't sound too absurd.

"I apologize, Prince Adam, but I promised someone I would meet them in town."

Adam, desbite not wanting to let you, he allows you to leave.

Maybe you two will meet again.

"Let me escort out"

You nodded gratefully to Bernard's offer, appreciating his concern. The two of you made your way through the grand, dimly-lit castle hallways, lost in your own thoughts.

As you walked, Beau cleared his throat softly.

"Are you okay with everything that's happened? Meeting the Prince and all?" He asked, his voice gentle.

He is clearly referring to how the prince is a beast and how it might have been shocking for you.

You chuckled softly and looked up at him, catching him off-guard.

"It's not every day you meet a prince, right?" You replied with a slightly mischievous tone.

But oh, you did meet all types of princes.

"You can stay here, it's way safer then outside" Beau tries to convince you.

"No, thank you"

When you reach the large front doors, Beau opens them up and you both step out just in time to see Maleficent walking through the forest.

You quickly shove Beau inside before closing the doors, so Maleficent doesn't see you.

"What is wrong?" he asks.

"He's danger, pure evil. This is not the time to explain everything, but knowing this, he probably wants to kidnap again."

But there is one problem, you loved Maleficent once.

And you need a true love's kiss.

But, is Maleficent really your one true love?

Beau places his hands on your cheek to calm you down.

"Don't worry, I shall protect you"

You take a deep breath, trying to compose yourself.

Suddenly there are knocks at the large doors indicating that Maleficent has reached the castle.

"Go hide, while I go answer the door"

As you quickly ducked behind a large tapestry, you heard Beau's footsteps approaching the door.

"Who is it?" he called out.

"Open the door" Maleficent's voice boomed, deep and commanding, sending chills down your spine.

A moment of silence followed, before the doors creaked open. You held your breath as you listened.

"How can I help you? Did you come to meet with Prince Adam" Beau asked, in a very calm manner with his hands behind his back.

"I have came to ask about a young woman called (Y/n), she has..."

Maleficent begins describing you in detail, even the small bits about you.

"She's not here," Beau replied, his voice steady, but you could sense the tension rising.

Maleficent smiles, nodding his head at the prince.

"Thank you for the information"

Beau nods before closing the door...

...only to have Maleficent appear directly in front of you.

You let out a gasp, stumbling back as Maleficent'a emerald eyes locked on yours.

The room seems to tremble with the force of his presence.

"My dove, I got great news for us"

He grabs both of your hands, his face leaning closer to yours.

"Your father blessed our union"

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