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"Why do you always have to ruin my life? Just leave me alone. I don't want you back in my life!"

You exclaim angrily at your father, clutching your fists tight and digging your nails into your skin.

"I don't consider myself your daughter. You ruined my life," Alexander Liddle chuckles at your anger and playfully rolls his eyes at you.

"How can a father destroy his daughter's life when he only wants the best for her, silly?" you sneer at him.

"You killed my own mother. Why should I trust you won't do the same to me?"

"Why would I harm my flesh and blood?"

"I don't know. You people in Wonderland do have a tendency to be mad."

Jack slowly and silently prepares to attack Alex with his powers.

However, he doesn't notice the way your anger is consuming to the point...

...Where you cause a universe travelling explosion.

Apparently that's where you sent your father back to his universe.

And Toothless is back to his own universe yet in his original form.

However, you don't end up in yours, instead you travel to...


"She has been out for days. When do you believe she will wake up?"

Prince Jamal inquires calmly of his physician while staring down at you as you lay on the large, comfortable bed, unmoving.

"We still don't know what caused her to black out in the first place, my prince, but she might wake up soon."

The Arabian prince chuckles softly as he removes strands of your hair away from your face.

"Foolish girl, I wonder what you were doing in my chamber," he says.

Indeed, he found you lying cold on the ground, knocked out, and all you had on you were your ruined, strange clothes.

Not only that, but your body was lying near his tiger, Rajah.

"Thank you for coming here today, you can leave now" the physician bows his head slightly before taking his things and leaving.

Jamal chuckles slightly, remembering the stories his mother used to tell him when he was a child.

"You look like you came out of a fairytale"

The prince leaned over you, a curious look in his eyes. He ran his hand through your hair, feeling the smooth strands between his fingers.

You opened your eyes slowly, taking in your surroundings. You were in a large room, adorned with rich rugs, beautiful tapestries, and luxurious furniture. In the center of the room, a large bed with pristine white sheets waited for you.

"Where am I?" You croaked, your throat still feeling dry and scratchy.

"You are in my castle, my dear. I found you passed out outside, near my tiger, Rajah. Your clothes were torn and filthy, so I had the servants bring you here to rest." The prince smiled warmly, reaching out to stroke your cheek.

You shivered slightly at his touch, feeling a strange sense of comfort in his presence.

"So, I'm in Aladdin"

Jamal eyes widens in shock upon hearing the familiar name.

"You know Aladdin, are you his friend?"


Answering with a 'Yes' is better then explaining to him why you were in his chambers.

Yet you were not thinking straight because of the shock of what happened.

"A friend of Aladdin is a friend of mine"

Prince Jamal meant something sinister.

As there is no one in the world he hated more than Aladdin.

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