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"Are you fine?"

"Yes, I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"You teared up the handkerchief"

Rory's sentance made you look down to find that the handkerchief you were holding is indeed half torn up.

Now you have nothing to wipe your sweaty hands with.

"My godfather adores you, don't worry yourself too much" 

You smile at the golden haired prince, appreciating his comforting words.

"I'm not worried about the wedding as much as I'm worried about the guests" 

"Maleficent is going to protect you" Rory assures you.

"I know that Maleficent is going to protect me but what if something goes wrong?"

"Nothing is going to go wrong," Rory insists, his golden eyes filled with certainty.

"Maleficent is one of the most powerful beings in the kingdom, and he'll do everything in his power to ensure your safety."

He takes a step closer to you, his tall frame towering over you.

"You're worried about the guests, aren't you?"

You nod, your hands clenching the torn handkerchief tighter.

"I don't know if I'm ready to face them," you admit, biting your lip nervously.

Rory's expression softens, his eyes full of understanding.

"You are ready," he says firmly.

The prince offers his arm to you so he can walk you down the aisle.

You place the tattered handkerchief away before linking your arm with his scratched out arm.


You try to avoid everyone's intense stare as you walk down the aisle with Rory.

Noticeabley Snow White sits beside his evil stepfather with an annoyed childish expression.

Behind Snow White, the whispers began. You could almost hear the skepticism and judgment dripping from their words.

Suddenly, a booming voice filled the cathedral, silencing the crowd.

Maleficent, his tall figure cloaked in swirling shadows, stood at the altar.

The priest's voice is deep, gravelly voice resonated with power as he began the ceremony. 

You stood in front of the Faerie king, as the priest begins saying the vows.

As the priest reached the part of the vows where you would pledge your commitment, you met Maleficent's eyes.

The look you give him is a reminder of him promising you to break your curse before saying the vows.

"Do you Maleficent take-"

The said king cuts off the priest.

"Wait, there is something I wish to say"

"That your brought us all here to fluant the fact that you are marrying (Y/n), is this what you wish to say"

Drizello exclaim, with one leg crossed over the other, his arms are also crossed, with the same smirk painted on his face.

You forget that this man existed.

"Now, son, don't interrupt the wonderful wedding" Lord Tramaine scolds his son playfully.

While Ellard and Anastasius where sitting in silence, clearly displeased by the wedding.

At least there is no Ariel in site.

Maleficent ignores Drizello and continues his speech.

"I have made a promise to (Y/n) to break her curse and I intend on keeping that promise" 

Snow White grits his teeth, remembering that you both were going to get married for the same purpose.

King Grimhild turns his gaze towards his stepson, grinning at his anger.

"Don't frown or you will get wrinkles"

Snow White turns towards his stepfather, tilting his head with raised eyebrows.

"You speak from experience, I see"

"Little brat" the evil king mutters, his gaze retuning back to you and Maleficent.

Maleficent moves his hand around before a purple smoke engulfs you then disappears leaving you in your place.

"You broke the curse?" you ask, still in disbelief.


The priest chuckles at the answer, rolling his eyes in disbelief.

"Is there something you find amusing?" Maleficent demands.

"The whole wedding is an amusing matter"


The male version of Anne, Andrew, shouts in excitement, while his brother tries to sit him back down.

"And what makes you think that?" Maleficent sneers, ready to kill the man.

"I mean what is a marriage without a father's consent"

The priest removes his cover using magic to show that he is in face, Alexander Liddle.

"Why did you disguise yourself as a priest" you inquire.

Alex winks at you with his hands on his torso.

"For dramatic effect, of course"

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