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"Can you tell me more about my mom?"

"She is an honest, beautiful woman who was nothing but kind to me."

Hearing that made you feel sad, remembering that she is dead.

Genie doesn't notice your sad expression and continues speaking.

"She was on the run from someone called the Ice King. No, no, no, it was the Snow King, that's right."

You frown in confusion.

"But the Snow Queen isn't a Disney production nor a DreamWorks production," you mutter.

You look for an explanation, or you try to recall if Disney ever made a film about the Snow Queen.

The only film that comes close to it is "Frozen."

"Do you know how she managed to use her powers to travel universes?"

"She would travel by putting herself in dangerous situations, then she disappear through an explosion"

Hearing this explanation made sense about how you managed to travel from the Rise of the guardians to here.

"Did she ever speak about a man called Alexander Liddle?" you inquire curiously.

Genie shook his head at the unfamiliar name.

"No, but she spoke about Adrien."

Your eyes grew quite big as surprise washed over you when you suddenly recognised the name you heard.

"And she also mentioned Bruno; it seems like they were dating or something."

Genie expresses his jealousy in his voice.

"Oh, my mom was like me," you exclaim with terror.

"I notice that you frequently use the past participle when referring to your mother. Where is she?" Aladdin notes

"Yes, where is she?" the parrot repeats the question.

Everyone stares at you, awaiting your answer.

"She is dead," you answer bitterly.

"I am so sorry to hear that," Genie replies, his expression turning sympathetic.

"May I ask how she passed away?"

"My father murdered her and her new husband."

Your answer causes Genie to snap.

The supernatural figure enlarges, and his enraged eyes light up, before a dark aura swarms the place.

The monkey, Abu, squeals in fear, hiding in Aladdin's arms.

Genie's eyes blaze with wrath, and his voice booms like a thunderclap.

"Your father has caused me great distress. What is his name, child?"

You gulp in fear before you stutter out his name.

"He is called Alexander Liddle."

The room becomes filled with an intense heat.

"I will make it my mission to destroy him and anyone who supports him; he will pay for what he has done to your mother and to any innocent who has suffered at his hands."

With those words being said, Genie disappears, leaving everything to return to normal.

"What just happened?" Aladdin asks in disbelief what just happened.

"Genie was obsessed with her mother," Iago explains.

You smirk upon realising that Genie is going to hunt Alex down for what he has done.

No, you won't have to deal with your father chasing after you like a possessive freak anymore.

Or that's what you think.

Believe it or not, Alex is much stronger than you think.

The powers possessed by Genie pale in comparison to those of your father's.

"The prince is waiting for us; we have to leave."

Aladdin wakes you up from your deep slumber, and it's sunrise time.

"But I'm so tired and feel lightheaded," you whine, trying to go back to sleep.

Aladdin sighs and looks at you with concern.

"I know you're upset about what just happened, but we can't let our guard down. The prince is a very dangerous man, and we can't afford to take any chances."

You lazily get up, trying to resist the temptation to fall back on the mattresses.

"Anyway, why does the prince detest you so much?"

"Well, I kind of pretended to be an important rich man to gain wealth and a high position, and I got exposed."

Aladdin suddenly scooped you up in the air, your body feeling weightless as you soared over his right shoulder. Surprised by this unexpected move, you sigh.

"We are going to ride on the magical carpet, correct?" You ask.

"Yes" Aladdin answers.

"Then why are you holding me like that, you creep!"

That day, Aladdin learned not to hold a woman without her consent.

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