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What does Maleficent do after having an argument with you?

Kidnap you.

Yes, correct, that is exactly what he did to you after rejecting to break your curse.

He took you to his castle and locked you up.

Truth be told, you need someone to come and save you.

Because you are too lazy to save yourself.

Adding to that, where is your father who blessed your union with Maleficent?

Maybe you should end up with Maleficent.

You will become a queen and have others to serve you to your comfort.

All the good green flags exist in the castle.

The only red flag is Maleficent. 

Oh, it doesn't matter, it's not like you are going to marry him and be tied with him for the rest of your life.

"I have gotten good news for you, my dove"

You shriek loudly before quickly behind the tall painted screen to hide your body as Maleficent enters the chamber.

"Knock before you in!" You exclaim in embarrassment.

Maleficent's eyes narrow at your outburst, a smirk forming on his lips as he saunters over to the screen.

"Oh, so you want privacy now?" He questions with a deep, enchanting voice.

"You seemed to be enjoying the freedom of this castle the other day."

Indeed, yesterday, you had a walk in the gardens.

His hand gently grazes the top of the screen, and a shiver runs down your spine.

Yet Maleficent doesn't look behind it at your naked form.

Unless you give him permission.

"Tell me, my little dove, what good news do you think I'm going to tell you"

The tension in the air is visible, your heart hammering against your ribcage.

You're not sure if it's from fear or something else entirely.

Not receiving an answer, Maleficent chuckles.

"The good news is that we are getting married next week, and everyone is invited" 

You raise an eyebrow at the word 'everyone'

"What do you mean by everyone?"

"Well, darling," Maleficent begins, a wicked glint in his eye.

"I'm inviting all the princes, kings, and lords, think of it as a ball to celebrate our union."

You gulp in fear, not adoring the idea of seeing all of the obsessed men in one gathering.

Yeah, last time that didn't end well, all thanks to a certain redhead.

"If anything happens, it's all on you, it's your responsibility to not allow anyone to ruin our wedding" 

Maleficent smirks, even though you cannot see him, but you feel that he's up for the challenge.

"Oh, don't you worry, my dove. I will ensure that no one dares to disrupt our wedding."

He assures you, while using his magic.

"I've already sent out the invitations, and the preparations are underway."

Suddenly you find yourself in a beautiful floor-length gown made of a luxurious black silk  fabric, the sleeves are long

The dress is modest making sure not to show your chest or legs.

This feels like something Morticia Addams would wear.

Maleficent pulls you out from behind the screen before placing his hands on your waist.

"This is your wedding dress, is it not beautiful?"

You stand there, bewildered, looking down at the exquisite garment.

"It's  magnificent," you finally manage to say, before staring into the mirror behind him.

Your eyes flicker back to Maleficent, trying to read his intentions.

"You'll look stunning in it."

"Maleficent, may I request something?"

"What is it?"

You hug him, placing your head on his chest before speaking.

"I wish for you to break my curse before saying the vows"

"We have already spoken about, my dove, I won't break it" he asserts calmly.

Maleficent wraps his arms around your frame placing his chin on top of your head.

"I don't want you to regret marrying me if someday, somehow, the curse breaks magically by itself"

"Darling, I have no intention of regretting anything," Maleficent says, his voice deep and convincing.

You look up at him with sadness.

"If your love was true to me as you claim, then it means you are not effected by the curse"

Maleficent sighs, before agreeing hesitatently.

"I will break the curse if this pleases you"

You cheer happily, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek.

"Thank you"

The real reason why you wish to break the curse is...

...Because it makes you uncomfortable to know that the faerie king is not in his right mind during the marriage consummation.

He has to be fully conscious.

Meanwhile Maleficent lied to you about breaking the curse.

He will make a show to pretend to have broken the curse.

But Maleficent doesn't want to get rid of the curse.

His true fear is losing his love for you.

You are the first he truly feels this type of love towards.

Maleficent doesn't care if it was the curse.

He will murder all his rivals if it means keeping you by his side.

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