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Your eyes widen in horror as you watch Hiccup drag Toothless away from you using the whip.

Toothless whines in pain as he places his hands around his neck.

"I apologise if he has bothered you, I will speak to him about this behaviour"

You stand up quickly, rushing towards the shapeshifter, before Hiccup could drag him away.

"Are you insane, what makes you think it's ok to enslave someone?!"

The Viking fixates his cold eyes on your own, while Toothless fixates his own eyes on you, hope and admiration glimmering in their depths.

After all, no one stood up for him before.

"You are correct, it is wrong to enslave humans" Hiccup repeats with a smile.

"But Toothless isn't a human"

You take a deep breath, trying to control your anger and frustration.

"Just because Toothless isn't human doesn't mean it's okay to treat him like an object or a slave, he is a living being with thoughts and feelings, just like you and me."

Hiccup's smile fades slightly, and he looks at Toothless who is still standing close by, his eyes reflecting the pain he felt from the whip.

"You don't understand, Toothless is a shapeshifter," Hiccup explains.

"He has the ability to transform into a dragon, and he has been causing trouble in our village, I need to keep him restrained for everyone's safety."

You can't help but feel empathy for Toothless. It seems like a misunderstanding fueled by fear and lack of communication.

But you doubt there is any misunderstanding from Hiccup's side.

"There's a better way to handle this situation." you start explaining.

"Have you tried talking to him, understanding his perspective, and finding a compromise?" you suggest.

Hiccup looks unsure for a moment, his gaze shifting between you and Toothless. Finally, he nods.

"You're right. I haven't tried understanding Toothless' point of view. Perhaps there's a way we can find a solution that doesn't involve enslavement."

Toothless looks at Hiccup, his eyes filled with gratitude and relief. However, You feel a glimmer of hesitation that a resolution can be reached.

"Let's start by talking to Toothless, hearing what he has to say," you suggest, to bridge the gap between them.

Hiccup hesitates for a moment before slowly walking towards Toothless. Toothless cautiously approaches him, uncertainty showing in his eyes.

As they begin to communicate and understand each other's perspectives, Hiccup unwraps the whip from his dragon's neck.

You step back, allowing them to have their conversation.

Hopeful that this conflict can be resolved peacefully and that the dragon will no longer be treated as an object but as an equal being.

However, Hiccup took it as a chance to knock Toothless down using the strong handle of the whip.

Before Hiccup could attack you with the whip, a surge of energy flows through you, making a shield to protect you from harm.

And instead forces Hiccup across the room away from you, knocking him out.

You quickly go to Toothless and pull him up.

"We have to leave now" you announce.

Yet the thoughts of you using magic to protect yourself doesn't leave your mind.

But it wasn't your doing...


"Are you done?"

The White King asks his friend who is sitting in a circle with detailed writings while candles surrounding him.

Alex opens his eyes to look up at the light haired man.

"Yes, and I now know where my daughter is located"

Dark Disney: Dark Lovers| Dark Reverse Harem x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now