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"You were right about mom."

"Hmm, she is alive, huh? And not only that but she showed you her true face too?" 

The wedding was called off because of Maleficent's lies, and you left with your father.

"Can you help me break my curse?"

If your father is here, maybe it's good to take

"Of course, I can help you break your curse, but it won't be easy" Alexander says, his mind ticking as he thinks of a plan.

"First, we need to speak to the white king about it and I'm he has many tricks up his sleeve to help you"

You nod your head, still not locking your eyes with his own.

"I already know everything about you" he said, his green eyes studying your upcoming reaction intently.

The way you are calm about this conversation, gave Alex a sense of satisfaction.

For the first time, he doesn't want you to fear him, seeing you calm and feeling safe around him is...


Maybe you don't see him evil after all.

"Are you going to take me to Wonderland with you?"

"It's the best solution as the White King needs to examine your curse to create a cure for it"

Alexander's words fill you with some relief. At least he's willing to help you break the curse.

And yet, your sense of caution still persists. It's hard to fully trust him, but his offer seems genuine.

"Alright," you reply, finally lifting your gaze to meet his green eyes.

"I'll come with you to Wonderland, but I have a condition."

Alex raises an eyebrow, a slight smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

"A condition, huh? Go on. I'm listening."

You take a deep breath, your voice firm but tranquil as you speak.

"I want your word that you won't harm me or manipulate me in any way while we're in Wonderland, I need to be able to trust you, and I need your honesty. No tricks, no lies."

Alex's expression softens, and he nods once.

"You have my word. I won't harm you or deceive you in any way in Wonderland. I'll be honest with you, and I won't use any tricks. You have my promise."

He pulls out a vile from his pocket, the vile is filled with green content.

"And to ensure that I will always be honest and never trick you, one drop of this potion after I speak your name will keep me honest with you"

You watch in disbelief as he acts on his words by saying your name and taking a drop from the potion.

He places the vile back in his pocket before returning to gaze you with a smile.

Alex places both his hands out for you.

"From today on, I will try to be the best father for you, take my hands so we can teleport to Wonderland"

Placing your hands into his, your fathe realizes that you trust him.

And he doesn't plan to break that trust.


You and Alex stand side by side, watching in horror the distraction in the White King's kingdom.

And before you two know it, you two are seized by guards of the King of hearts.

The problem that you and Alex are unable to use your powers.

"No need to waste your energy, your powers won't work against me nor my guards"

The King of Hearts is a handsome tall man with fair skin and black hair.

He is wearing a gold crown and earrings, a red hair band is tied at the end of his braided long hair.

His royal attair consists of a black and red royal clothes with black and yellow stripes on his trousers.

Yet the King's of Hearts attitude ruins his elegance.

"Alex, you forgot to tell me you have a beautiful daughter"

Your father smirks, making the king filled with annoyance.

"I already told you, but you were busy chopping off other people's heads"

Valentine grits his teeth before chuckling mischievously.

"My apologies, but I had more important duties at hand."

Alexander's smirk remains unfazed, he finds amusement in Valentine's irritation.

The king turns his attention back to you, his gaze raking over you, appreciating your features.

"And you, my dear," he says, his voice full of mockery.

"Are you ready to satisfy my needs or do you wish to have your head chopped off"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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