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The idea of owning a human-like Toothless should be illegal, and its existence should be considered human trafficing.

That if Hiccup even knows that his dragon can shape shift.

You always believed that the playful dragon was just a child, so seeing him transformed into a handsome adult had a significant impact on you.

It scared you to death, causing your heart to race and your body to tense up.

"Can you get off me now please?" you ask, your voice wavering with fear.

Toothless immediately hops off your body, giving you the space you need to properly settle in your bed.

His innocent antics don't help with your unease, and you find yourself staring directly at him, trying to make sense of it all.

Honestly, he still has an aura of innocence surrounding him.

"Can I help you with something, Toothless?" you ask in a curious tone, his green eyes peering at you like a young child's.

The strange request makes the uncomfortable situation all the more awkward, and you hesitate to respond. Eventually, he mustered up a response.

"I want to cuddle with you," he says like a naive child, pouting at your refusal.

You struggle to find a polite way to express your rejection and finally utter...


The single word cuts through the silence like a knife, and your heart sinks as you realize the impact of your refusal.

Toothless pouts, making the situation all the more painful, and you wish the floor could swallow you up.

A voice inside you wants to tell him why you feel this way, but you keep your words to yourself.

The last thing the both of you need is the awkwardness of further explanation.

"Why?" he persists, not understanding your rejection.

The urge to tell him the truth, of not wanting another yandere person in your life, is immeasurable.

But you hold back, sensing that it might make the situation more awful than it already is.

Instead, you simply respond,

"I won't be staying here for long, and I don't want to give you false hope for attachments"

It's not the complete truth, but it's enough for him to understand that you need your space.

With that, you turn away from him, leaving him with his thoughts while you attempt to calm down from the sudden and unexpected interaction.

With every passing minute, tension hangs in the air like a heavy cloak, making it impossible to ease the tension.

You wish you could take back the words that brought you to this current situation, but you know there's no turning back now.

"I don't care"

With that, Toothless wraps his arms around you, as you feel his warm body against yours.

"I have the argue to protect you" 

You lightly gasp when you feel his face inching closer to you.

However, suddenly a whip wraps around his neck pulling him away from you.

Hiccup stood at the door of his room, holding the whip, while a dark look on his face.

"You have been very bad to our guest, Toothless"

Dark Disney: Dark Lovers| Dark Reverse Harem x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now