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"How do I return home?"

"The same way you came here"

"Through a rabbit's hole"


You gaze at your mother with a puzzled expression, bewildered by her solution.

But it made sense, because literally what you are going through is a fantasy.

"Why would you want to go back home?" she inquires.

"What do you mean why? I want to have peace away from all that madness"

"But my dear, I thought you loved disney and wanted to be a princess"

"Indeed, that was when I was nine, now my childhood is ruined!"

"That is the point, you have been exposed to reality"

But your mother's words hit you like a bullet, piercing your heart and making you face a harsh reality.

You realize her point you've grown out of your childhood fantasies and now you are facing a crazy reality.


It doesn't make any sense why the characters are so possessive.

"I will find a rabbit hole and return home, you can stay here all you want"

"Your father will follow you there and might kidnap you"

"Way better then dealing with all this madness, one horrifying person is enough to deal with"

Your mother sighs and rolls her eyes at you before leaning back in Bruno's embrace.

"Do whatever pleases you, but don't come crying to me when hell break loose"

"I won't" you state angrily before storming away.

Camilo attempts to go after you, but Isaiah stops him using vines, ordering him in a firm voice.

"You stay here, she is already stressed, I will go check on her"


"Are you sure you wish to jump down this hole, it's so dark and scary"

"Yes, if it means returning home, then I shall do it" you announce.

Isaiah doesn't really trust the idea but he can't force you to stay.

"I can use my vines to lead you down, just in case anything bad happens"

You smile at his offer, nodding gratitude.

"That would be nice"


You cannot believe it, you have returnec home safely, it worked.

Entering the house, you see it empty and clean as if nothing happened there while you are gone.

Without waiting another second to make sure everything is secure, you rush up to your room.

"Oh, the smell of freedom" you exclaim as you throw yourself on your bed.

Never have you thought that the smell of freedom to you would be the smell of your room.

Now, you can relax without worrying about the horrors of someone dying because of you.

Strangely enough you feel like you want to watch a movie.

A Disney movie.

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