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You ride on top of Toothless' back as he flies into the air.

"Wow, the smell of freedom is nice, don't you agree, Toothless?"

The dragon nods as a sign of agreement, but you joyment doesn't continue as you notice Astrid flying towards you too.

The angry look on the blond viking's face made your skin crew with fear.

Astrid is sure scary when angry.

Toothless quickly avoids bumping into the other dragon by moving right and flying past the beast.

"You won't escape"

Astrid shouts into the air flying after you.

He was inches from reaching you, but a magical portal suddenly opens up in the middle of the air.

It closes right after Toothless enters it, leaving behind a confused and furious Astrid.


"Oh no, what happened to you, Toothless?"

You stare down at the now unconscious human dragon.

The problem is not the fact that Toothless is unconscious but the fact that he looks like a five year old human child.

"Don't worry, the child will wake up soon"

Your eyes widen as you stare at Maleficent standing in front of you in all his arrogant glory.

"What have you done to him?" you inquire.

Maleficent rolls his eyes at you, before smirking.

"Are you not going to greet me with a kiss or a hug?"

You sneer at him.

"You stabbed me!"

"It was by accident, you stood in my way"

You shook your head in disappointment at his excuse.

"You tried to stab my friend, Tyan, and not only that but you thought I cheated on you"

Maleficent's eyes softens when he notices your sad and betrayed state.

"I admit I was at fault for thinking you were cheating...however it was his fault"

Hearing how Maleficent insists on the fact that he is not wrong in trying to stab Tyan, made you furious.

"Why did you turn Toothless into a child?" you inquire.

"Oh, the dragon is called Toothless? Hmm, not a matching name for our son"

"Our son?"

You shout in surprise at him, as the faerie chuckles.

"Yes, I cursed him to be a small child so he can be our child"

"Why would you want him to be our child?"

"My kind can't have children with humans so I choose him to be our son, after all he is a shape shifting dragon" Maleficent explains.

You let out a frustrated sigh.

"And how can he break the curse?"

Maleficent chuckles, shaking his head.

"Oh dear, I learned from my first mistake about cursing others, the only way he can break his curse is if I undo it, there is no other way"

Before you could scold him for his doing, Toothless wakes up.

You turn towards the child as he stares at you and Makeficent in wonder.


You expected that he would be confused and angry at why he turned into a child.

But instead his reaction is shocking

"Mama? Papa?"

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