Chapter 9

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"You look like shit." Johnny said as he walked into the living room, "Thanks." I mumbled while scrolling on my phone, "Are you okay? You've been acting weird, lately."

"I'm fine." I looked at him and he shook his head, "No, you're not. You know you can tell me everything." He sat beside me and I sighed, "There's nothing to tell, I'm just tired." I shrugged, lying to my brother again.

"Is it because of Ghost?", "No." I said quietly, "What did he do, Leia? Tell me." Johnny seems pissed now, "Nothing, Johnny. Why do you think he would do anything to me?" I rolled my eyes, I hate to lie to Johnny, but I can't tell him what happened.

"I see the way he looks at you. He never looked at anyone like that, not even his ex fiancee." Johnny said and I laughed, "Yeah, whatever."

"I'm serious Leia, I know him. He talks about you, a lot." He talks about me?, "What did he say about me?" Well, now I'm curious, "He said you're an amazing woman and we should all be grateful for all the things you do for us. That you pamper us like children, you worry and that you made this house into a home."

"That's so nice, was he on drugs when he said that?" I asked, earning a quiet laugh from Johnny, "He means well, he just doesn't know how to show it.", "He doesn't want me to work directly at the base anymore." I blurted out.

"I know, he told me... He says it's for you own safety." , "I'm safer there, than here." I feel like he just doesn't want me to be happy when he's not around to control me.

"He likes you." Johnny quietly said and I chuckled, "I like him too, but I think it's best for both of us to stay away from eachother." I smiled, "I think so too." Johnny nodded.


Simon "Ghost" Riley

"Ghost, where are you going?" Gaz asked while I was slipping on my hoodie, "To get Leia." I said quietly, "But she's with Anna, did something happen?" Gaz is definitely worried.

"She's been gone for four fucking hours!", I put on my shoes, "She's with her friend Ghost, don't go." Johnny patted me on my shoulder, "How are you two not worried? She's not answering my fucking calls!" I growled, "That's because she doesn't want to, don't go you'll piss her off."

"Well, I'm already pissed off!" I found my car keys and headed out, "Simon, stop!" Johnny ran up to me, "No, I will not stop! I'm fucking worried!" I got in my car and turned on the engine. "Simon, you're pushing her away! Just stop!" Johnny yelled while I slammed my foot on the gas pedal.

I haven't seen her all fucking day and now she's not answering, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind. After a few moments I stopped in front of Dave's caffe, I sure hope she's here. I walked in, spotting her and Anna in the second booth to the left.

Anna widened her eyes at me and motioned for me to go away, but I don't fucking care, "Get up." I growled while looking down at Leia, "G-Ghost?" She looked up at me, her eyes full of fear. "The party's over, get up and we're going gome."

"W-Why?" She asked in disbelief, "Because you're not answering my fucking calls!" I said through gritted teeth, "My phone is in my bag, I'm sorry." She is too fucking quiet for my liking, "Ghost, please stop." Anna looked at me with pleading eyes.

"We're going home. Both of you." I said and they got up while I paid for their coffee, "Why are you so mad?" Leia looked at me, "Just get in the car." I groaned, I know I'm in the wrong, but I was so worried.

The girls got in the car and I started driving, "Am I fired?" Anna asked and I almost laughed, "No, you're not fired." I shook my head, "Oh thank God." She sighed and I smiled, she's a great girl and I hope Gaz will cherish her.

"You can stop here." Anna said and I stopped right if front of her house, "Thank you for the ride." Anna smiled before getting out of the car. "Was this necessary?" Leia asked when we drove off.

"Yes, you weren't answering my calls." I said and she rolled her eyes, "Why the fuck should I answer your calls?" She raised her voice, "Because I said so!" I growled, why is she always making me mad?

"You kissed me yesterday and then said it was a mistake! What do you want from me, Ghost?" She ran fingers through her hair, "Because it was! I never should of kissed you! Do you really want to be with me Leia? Or do you just want me to fuck you?"

"I-" , "You what? You want to be me with me? Loving me is very tiring, Leia." I said quietly, "I would of asked your ex fiancee if she wasn't fucking dead." And that fucking stung. "She cheated on me! Not once, not twice, but six fucking times! She set me up and I almost got killed!" Am I yelling now? Yes I am!

"Did you really love her like you said the other day, Ghost?" She asked, "I loved her because she was my friend, somebody I could go to." I loved Thalia, but mainly as a friend, I thought she was my only chance at normal life, so I proposed to her. Was I in love? No I wasn't..

I pulled up to our driveway and Leia stormed out before I could even turn off the car. "Stop!" I got out and followed her into the house, "Fuck off!" She said before heading upstairs.

"Well, you fucked up." Soap said while watching us from the couch, "Fuck you, Soap." I rolled my eyes before taking off my shoes, "Go upstairs and apologise to my baby sister." He ordered.

"Are you kidding me?" Who's the Lieutenant here?, "Now." He glared at me and I sighed, he's right. I hurt her again. And knowing myself, this isn't the last time.


Leia MacTavish

"Get out!" I threw a pillow at Ghost as soon as he stepped into the room, "I'm sorry!" He said and I rolled my eyes, "The hell you are." I sat on my bed and started rubbing my temples, I'm sick of him.

"I'm sorry for yesterday and I'm sorry for today." He sat next to me, "You make me feel like I'm not good enough." I whispered, "You are good enough, and I want you to have a normal life, a normal relationship."

"You think I can't handle you? I've been handling you for seven fucking years since we moved into this shit hole." I don't know what to say anymore, he is only getting worse, "Do you think it was easy for me? I'm fucking ten years older than you! And I wanted you ever since I've met you. You were only eighteen when I first saw you, a girl with a bright future..."

"And a dead father." I finished for him. "You're ten years older but you act like a teenager!" I am furious, he wanted me for all of those years? He was always a jerk to me. "I'm sorry... I don't know how to act around you." He sighed.

"Well, being a jerk isn't really helping." I got up, "Please leave so I can cry in peace.", "How many times have you cried because of me?" He looked up at me, "More than enough... do you remember two years ago when you told me I should leave my boyfriend because he was just trying to get in my pants? I cried all night and then left him because I valued your opinion, I thought you were telling me the truth. He was a good boy, he wouldn't hurt a fly and I just started to fall for him."

"I was jelaous." He whispered, "Yeah, just like you were jelaous that night at the club! Do I need to remind you what you said to me when I pointed out you were jelaous? No man would want a woman like you."

"You keep hurting me! Do you have feelings for me Ghost? Do you even know what feelings are?" The room suddenly became very quiet, "Look at me!" I said when he stood up, "Do you have feelings for me, Ghost?" He's very good at avoiding eye contact.

"Yes, I do." I could barely hear him speak, "Then why are you like this?", "Because you deserve better." He finally looked at me and I could feel my eyes water, "Yes I do, so I ask you right now, what do you want?"

"I want you." The familiar twinkle in his eyes already gave him away, "Great, and I want you to think about all of this. About me, about us, about our conversation, because I'm tired."

"Fine." As he walked away, I finally broke down. I've had enough of him, his behaviour and his actions.

"Leia? Hey, please don't cry!" Johnny walked in, he sat beside me and pulled me in for a hug, "What's wrong?"

"I'm in love with a dying man."

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