Chapter 12

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Leia MacTavish

"Are we all done?" Anna asked and Jack laughed, "We've only been here for an hour." he said, "Well, it's time for a coffee, who's with me?" She looked around and everyone nodded, "Sometimes I feel like I'm not your boss at all, but sure, let's get coffee." Jack shrugged and we all stood up, heading to the base's coffee shop down on the first floor.

"So, what's up with you and the Lieutenant?" Anna nudged me with her elbow, "Nothing." I supressed a smile and she rolled her eyes, "Why are you lying to me? I tell you everything." She whined.

"Johnny told me to stay away from him, and it's not going very good." I quietly said and she chuckled, "You are in love, girly." She winked and I sighed, "Yes, I am."

We finally got to the coffee shop, me and Anna racing to the table outside on the sun, smokers life. "Easy, MacTavish." I heard my lastname as I sat down, "Oh, hello, Lieutenant. Captain, soldiers." I nodded my head at them, and Anna started laughing, "Shut up."

"Leia and Ghost sitting in a tree..." Anna said quietly and I laughed a little too hard, "Stop!" I said and Ghost turned his head to look at us, "What's so funny? Care to share?"

"We're just joking around, Lieutenant, no worries." Anna said and he shook his head at her, "C'mon Ghost, leave the girls alone, they're just having a good time." One of the soldiers at his table spoke up.

"Yes, I see that." Our eyes met and I smiled, "We're late!" I heard Johnny behind me and I laughed again, can this coffee break get any worse? Gaz walked over to us and kissed Anna before sitting next to Ghost.

"Hello, sissy, you look beautiful today." Johnny patted me on the head and I glared at him, "Thanks." He sat down too and the waitress finally brought us coffee. "So, you happy with Gaz?" I asked quietly, "Yes, I am, he's so caring and he kisses me in front of people. I'm so glad he's not ashamed of me."

"Why would he be ashamed of you?", I frowned, "Well, my last boyfriend said that sometimes I'm too much because I like to joke around, so he never wanted anyone to know that I'm his girlfriend."

"That's so wrong, Anna, you're so great and I'm so gald you're my bestfriend." I said and she smiled at me, "Yes, I love you too." She winked at me and I giggled, "I'm just gonna scoot in here." Gaz said while sitting next to Anna with coffee in his hand.

"So, what's up with you and Ghost?" He asked and I widened my eyes, "Shut up Gaz, he can hear you!" I quickly shushed him and he chuckled, "Nothing's up." I continued, "Bullshit, the air is so tense when you two are in the same room."

I blushed at this words, then finally lit a cigarette, "I approved Jack's request." Ghost sat beside me and I froze, "W-what request?" Why am I stuttering?, "He wants you here fulltime again, and you're promoted." He said and my mouth fell open.

"You approved that?" I raised my eyebrows, "Yes, I did." He took a sip of his coffee, "But you said-" , "I know what I said, we will talk later." He glared at me, "You're promoted!? Oh my God! Can I have a few shots back here?" Anna stood up and waved at the waitress.

"Who's promoted?" Johnny asked, "Your sister!" Gaz smiled and Johnny stood up and hugged me while I was still sitting, "I'm so proud!" He kissed my hair, but I am too shocked to react, Ghost approved of this after he forbid me from working directly at the base? What the fuck?

"Let's all take a shot for our dear colleague and friend!" Anna said before they all took a shot and I'm still in shock, "You've been promoted to assistant director, when Jack's not around, you're the boss. And if he is around, you're still the boss, you will have more work to do, but I think you can handle it."

"Yeah, sure." I said to Ghost and he nodded, "Look at you Leia, getting promoted and shit!" Gaz gave me a high five and I smiled, yes I'm happy, but I'm also very confused. Ghost doesn't want me at the house anymore? Is he trying to get rid of me?

"You go girl!" Anna said and I nodded, "I see you've heard the news!" Jack approached us, "Thank you so much for approving, Lieutenant." He said to Ghost, "Well, she deserved it." Ghost nodded and I stood up to hug Jack, "Thank you, Jack."

"As he said, you deserved it." He smiled, "You have ten more minutes, then we're back in." Jack warned us and we nodded, "Are you happy?" Ghost quietly asked and I sighed, "Yes I am." I really am, but I'm also worried about his sudden change of mind.

"So, you're my boss now?" Anna chuckled, "Well, yes, you'll have to listen to me now." I teased, "I was praying for this moment, I'm so excited!" Anna squealed and I laughed, "We should go." I said and stood up, "I have to pay."

"It's already payed for." Ghost stood up and I looked up at him, "Thank you, Lieutenant.", "Can I grab her for a minute?" Ghost looked at Anna, "Grab her all you want." She winked and Ghost shook his head, "Let's go."

"I'll see you in a minute." I nodded towards Anna then followed Ghost back inside, "Why did you approve of this, Simon?" I looked up at him when we stopped in front of his office. "Well, you wanted to work directly at the base, and Jack asked if you could get promoted."

"I don't get it, you told me I would lose my job-", "I know what I said, Leia. I want you to be happy." He looked down at me, "Are you trying to get rid of me, somehow? You don't want me at home?"

"You don't get it, do you?" He looked around before pushing me against the wall, "You're closer to me while you're here, we have the same work hours. Do you think I'm stupid?" Oh, he's eyes were telling me lots of things, "You want me here?" I whispered before putting my hand on his chest, he's too close.

"Yes, I want you as near as possible." His hand rested on my waist, "So, it's easier for you to control me while I'm here, is that what you're saying?", "No." Oh, his eyes twinkled, he's lying, that's excatly what this is about. "You're lying, Simon."

His other hand grabbed my chin and I smirked, "Can't you just be grateful?" He growled quietly and I chuckled, "I hit a nerve? You're scared because I said I would stay away from you." My neck is hurting from looking up at him, but I don't care, I love how close he is to me right now.

"I knew you wouldn't." He murmured while brushing his covered nose against mine, his grip on my chin getting tighter, "Fuck you Simon, you always get my hopes up and then you act like nothing happened." I hit him in the chest out of frustration.

"Now go and be a good girl, don't make me regret this." He finally let go of me and I feel like screaming, "I knew you would do something like this! You enjoy making me miserable." I turned around but he grabbed my wrist,

"I want you close to me, is that a fucking crime?" I can see he is holding back, he almost yelled. "Yes, but at the same time you constanly reject me and make me feel like shit! And then I get blamed for your actions!" I'm so freaking pissed now.

"Fucking hell." He huffed while rubbing his eyes, "I can't be with you, Leia!" He opened the door and pulled me into his office, "Why?" I searched for his eyes, "Because I can't, men like me ruin girls like you."

"Then ruin me, I don't care. You already kissed me and made me fall for you.", "I told you, that was a mistake."
he is pissed too, "Yes, thank you for reminding me." I rolled my eyes, "Your future matters, and I don't see myself there."

"Okay, I get it." My eyes are already red for sure, tears threatening to spill. "Leia, please don't cry." He finally made eye contact with me, "I'm done." I said before walking away, I'm humiliated, yet again.

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