Chapter 2

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Leia MacTavish

"We should go out tonight!" Johnny cheered as we all ate breakfast at the table, that doesn't happen very often. "I'm up for it, you guys?" Gaz pointed at me and Ghost, "Sure."

Hold up! Ghost is going out? What the actual fuck?
"Yep." I mumbled while staring at Ghost, is he bipolar? Schizoprenic?, "Take a picture." he looks at me and I scoff, "Drop dea-"

"Drop dead gorgeous, she means!" Johnny puts a hand over my mouth, and I glare at him. Ghost stands up from the table and walks to his room, "Do you want to get yourself killed?" Johnny's question only a whisper.

"He would not kill me." I rolled my eyes, "Listen Lei, you don't know that. He's ex fiancee was a mole in the task force, he loved her very much, but he still put a bullet through her head without any hesitation. He killed her like she was nothing, Leia." I shivered while Johnny was telling the story.

I did not need to know that, and I can't even believe the fact that Ghost is capable of loving someone, anyone. "He didn't think twice." Gaz takes a deep breath, "The only thing he said after killing her was, 'never again'."

"He's so fucked up." I whisper, "Yeah, he is, and so I beg you, calm down. Leave him be." Johnny says and I nodd, I hate to admit it, but now I'm a little scared.

I stood up while grabbing empty plates, "Thanks, Lei." God, I love Gaz so much, he is such a nice boy. I mean a man, but I love to call them 'my boys'. I put the plates in the sink and decided to get the boys boots out in sun, they're still not dry yet.

I laid them down on the grass before sitting down myself, it's so warm outside today. "She deserved it." I flinched when I heard Ghost's voice, he was standing beside me in his 'Lieutenant stance'.

"What?", "She deserved it, she betrayed me and the team."  he was talking quietly, "You loved her?" I ask him, "I did." he sighs.

"Not enough to let her live, I suppose." I ran fingers through my hair, "Nobody who betrayes me stays alive." his tone is deep and stern. "I'm afraid of you, Ghost." I say when he sits down, finally.

"I swore on my life to protect you and Soap when I watched your father die, but you do test me quite often. Don't make me break the oath." I didn't dare to look at him, I hate those piercing blue eyes with no warmth in them.

"So you thought about killing me?", "Yes." he said and I shook my head, "I'll never sleep again."
"So, was she the only one you ever loved?" I asked, "No." he is so quiet, and his balaclava is not really helping, "Who was it?" am I pushing his buttons right now? Because his breathing increased.

"Maybe one day, I'll tell you." he says, then stands up, "Be a good girl."

"Mhm, as soon as you clean that room of yours." I say, and he chuckles. He chuckled? Are we making progress here!?


"You are so drunk, Johnny." I say as he stumbles over to the pool table, "Nothing I can't handle." he slurres and I laugh, he sure can't handle his liquor.

"Where's Ghost?" I ask as I look around, "Ordering another bourbon." Gaz points at Ghost who is taking yet another shot of the strong drink.

"This won't end well." I mutter to myself, the only worse thing than Ghost himself is definitely drunk Ghost. "Won again!" Johnny cheers.

"You cheated." Gaz rolled his eyes before going for another round. "Hello." a tall young man sits beside me and I smile, "Well, hello."

"Can I get you a drink? I must say, you look really pretty in that dress." he eyes me up and down and I blushed, "Leia.", "Carlos." we shook hands, I am so flattered. I haven't met anyone in over a year.

"Im here with my crew, do you want to go to the after party with us? It's at my house." he asks, "Let me just ask my-", "She is not going anywhere." that deep voice sent shivers down my spine, so much hatred in his tone.

"W-what?" Carlos frowned while looking up at Ghost, "Beat it, fucker." Ghost ordered and Carlos glanced at me, "I'm sorry." I quietly said while he stood up from the table and left.

"I hate you." I muttered before taking my cigarettes and heading out, I need a smoke. What the fuck is wrong with him? Does he want me to be alone for the rest of my life? It's always like this!

Whenever I met a guy, the boys scared him away. I've had two boyfriend's and I'm freaking twenty-five, some girls at my age already have a family!

"Get back inside.", "Fuck off." I mutter while taking a puff, "He just wanted to fuck you.", "Well, I wish he did!" I rolled my eyes, I haven't been properly fucked in God knows how long.

Ghost grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against the wall, "What are you? A slut?" he asked while I grabbed his hand, scared shitless. His eyes were searching for mine while I tried not to cry.

"G-Ghost." I panted, "You want to be fucked by the first guy that approaches you?" he came so close I could smell bourbon on his breath, even through his balaclava.

"You're hurting me." I dug fingertips into his hand and he finally backs away, "Oh my God." I grabbed my neck in disbelief, "Fuck, Leia." he looks down at me, "Why do you make me do this to you!?" he raised his voice.

Tears started streaming down my face from the pain he caused me, he's insane. "I am not your enemy." I managed to say through the tears while I sat down on the floor, trying to calm down.

He kneeled beside me, "Stop crying." he rasped, "I can't." I sobbed while fumbling with my fingers, I'm afraid to even look at him. I never expected this from him, he is supposed to protect me.

"Get up." he grabbed me by my elbow and I stumbled while he pulled me up, "Stop crying! Now!" he pinned me against the wall, "Stop yelling at me." I whispered, my heart is beating so fast, "I'm sorry." he said quietly while removing wet strands of hair from my face.

"Look at me." he said and I looked up at him, "Please, don't cry." his eyes are clouded with sadness, "You and the boys are the only family I have, why do you need to hurt me all the time?" I sniffed while wiping my tears away.

"The party's over Ghost, let's go." Johnny put his hand on Ghost's shoulder, "Let's go." he says sternly, but Ghost is clearly not listening, he is still looking at me. He's looking for forgiveness.

"Lieutenant." Gaz walks over to us, and Ghost finally walks away for me. I feel so relieved, but Johnny is mad. Fuming.

"What happened?" he asks me, "I started crying because I've had a little too much to drink and I was thinking about all sorts of things and then when I wouldn't stop crying it made Ghost mad and he tried to explain to me that crying won't do me any good."


What a fat, disgusting lie.

"God, you two!" Johnny rolled his eyes before heading to the car, "He snapped, didn't he?" Gaz quietly asked, but I stayed silent.

"I won't say anything." Gaz patted me on the shoulder and I looked at him, "Gaz, was he ever agressive towards his fiancee?" I asked.


That's all I needed, he's not sorry. He's just scared he'll loose Johnny as a soldier and a friend.

Fuck you, Lieutenant Riley.

WICKED | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now