Chapter 16

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Simon "Ghost" Riley

"Is everything okay, mate?" Soap asked as walked into the the house, "Fucking amazin'." I walked past him, "Ghost, you overreacted." Gaz joined in on our so called conversation, "I don't care."

"Of course you don't!" I heard Leia yelling from upstairs, "Ghost, don't." Soap glared at me, "I've had enough." I stated, jelaousy really got the best of me. I never liked that guy, or their relationship.

"Stop, you're older. Let it go." Are we in kindergarten? "Bloody hell." I headed upstairs, "Ghost, please!" Soap grabbed my shoulder, "Let me go or I will throw you down this stairs, I swear to God." I glared at him, "Let him go, Soap." Gaz said while closely watching us.

"Don't hurt her, please." Soap said while letting me go, "I would never." I climbed up the stairs, "Fuck off!" She yelled when she saw me walk into her room, I closed the door and grabbed her wrist, "Stop acting like a brat!"

"And you should start acting like a grown fucking man!" She hit me on the chest and I groaned, "Do not hit me!" I grabbed her chin and pulled her closer to me, "Or what, Ghost? You'll hit me back?" She dug fingertips into my hands.

"No." My other hand clung at her waist, "Calm the fuck down." I whispered while searching for her eyes, "You don't own me, Ghost. You made your decision last night and I will go out with whoever I want." Oh God, how I do own you, and you know I do.

"I was not comfortable with your interaction, that's all." That's not all, but whatever, "No, you were jelaous out of your mind and you have no fucking right to be jelaous after rejecting me!" That's true, I'll give her that.

"C'mon Ghost what do you want from me? I'm never good enough for you." Her grip on my hand loosened, but she did leave a few stratches, "You are always good enough for me and I'm just trying to protect you... from myself."

"I don't need protection, I know how to hande your stupid ass!" She hit me again and I pushed her up against the wall, "I told you to stop!" I growled while pinning her hands above her head, I can't fucking stand her hitting me!

"I can't wait for you to go away, so I can clear my fucking mind!" She spat at me and I sighed, "You don't mean that." My voice barely a whisper right now. "Yes, I do! Because all you fucking do is reject me, then act like I'm yours! I've had enough!"

"Tell me you don't mean that, Leia!" I yelled, causing her to shut her eyes, "I-I don't." She bit the inside of her cheek, "Stop this man, you two keep hurtin' eachother." Gaz stood at the doorway.

I let go off Leia, watching her eyes fill up with tears, "Ghost, go cool off." Gaz ordered and this time, I listened. I made her cry, again.

And that's what I'm talking about, I have to let her go, for her own good.


Leia MacTavish

The day of the mission

"Don't be sad sissy, I'll come back with these two fuckers." Johnny said after hugging me tightly, "I know you will." And God I hope so, but unfortunately we have to be aware this is not a joke, one of them could be dead tomorrow.

"Take care of Anna for me, will ya Lei? She's my love, you know that." Gaz hugged me, "I know Gaz and I will." I patted him on the back before letting him go.

"Ghost!" Johnny yelled, "What?" Ghost walked in, in his full gear and that look in his eyes, he's ready to kill. "We will leave you two to say your goodbyes." Johnny and Gaz headed to the plane that was waiting for them.

"Take care." He simply said before turning away, but I quickly grabbed his wrist, "Is that a proper goodbye to me?" I looked up at him, his chest raising and falling heavily.

"A proper goodbye would be a kiss, but neither of us deserve one." He sighed, before turning his head to look at the plane, "I'm moving to my old apartment if I come back."

My heart dropped at his words, "What do you mean you're moving?", "I can't be close to you anymore, it's killing me." He looked down at me, his eyes showing me great sadness.

"But that was not the part of the deal-", "I'm breaking the deal." He stated and I took a step back, "You're breaking a promise?" Now, the panic sets in, ripping my chest apart.

"If breaking a promise means keeping you away from me, I'll gladly break it."

A tear escaped my eye, he really wants me as far away from him as possible. I'll never fucking sleep again, and I feel like I'll never eat again, because my anxiety will consume me after he leaves.

"Don't you dare do that to me!" I said through tears, "Don't cry." He's looking at the floor, and my chest is burning, "Don't you dare, Simon!" I repeated, now saying his name loud and clear.

"Ghost, we have to go." Price quietly said before heading out, he too sees something is wrong, I know he does. "I'm sorry, Leia." His eyes focused on my red ones.

"No, you're not, go." I'm barely speaking right now, I can't take this. I hate him, but I love him at the same time. "My feelings are not valid when it comes to your safety. I have to move away so we can both move on from whatever this is."

"Go, Simon and take care." I mocked him, not really knowing what to do or say anymore. "Lieutenant!" I heard Johnny yelling.

"Be safe." His voice is shaky and he hid his eyes from me, scared I'll know what he's feeling right now.

I watched him walk away with pain in my heart, the one that never goes away.


Thank you for all the views and occasional comments, I appriciate it very much. I hope you actually like the story, because I doooo.


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