Chapter 14

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Leia MacTavish

"I'm sorry for my behaviour this morning. That was really unprofessional." I said as soon as we drove off, "It's fine." Ghost mumbled, he must be tired. "It's just... she eyed me up and down and-"

"Leia, shut up. I get it, it's fine." He interrupted me and I glared at him, "Okay." I quietly said before texting Anna back, Gaz is staying over at her place tonight.

I'm so happy for them, they can't get enough of eachother. "We're going on a mission in two days." Ghost said and my heart dropped, I really hoped they would stay home a little bit longer. "That's... not so great." I sighed.

"Yeah, Price told me a few hours ago, I'm not thrilled about it either." He stated and I nodded, "I hope everything goes well." I don't know what to say, I'm on the verge of tears, as I always was even when dad was still alive. I'll never forget Ghost standing in front of our house, with my papa's things in his hands and I'll never forget how mama cried herself to sleep everynight.

"I think it's easier when we all have someone to fight for, someone to come back to." He's right, Johnny has me, Gaz has Anna now, but who does he have?, "Who are you coming back to?" I blurted out, "You." He whispered and I looked at him.

"I always come back to you, don't I?" He looked at me for a second, "Yes, you do." He really does, he's been coming back to me for seven years now. "You are my family too Leia, It was always hard for me to leave you behind." Is he drunk? High?

"That's the nicest thing you ever said to me." I said and he chuckled, "Don't get used to it, love." Did he just call me love? Fuck, I'm about to melt. He must be bipolar, I swear to God.

We pulled up in our driveway and I noticed it's empty, "Where's Johnny?" I asked, "Calm down mom, he's with Kia, he might stay the night." Ghost said as we got out of the car, "And Gaz is staying over at Anna's." I'm alone with Ghost for the night? This can't be good.

"Okay, I'll go make dinner for two." We walked into the house and took our shoes off, "That sounds good." He said and laid down on the couch while I started dinner. I'm making lasagna for a change, I know the boys like it. I miss Gaz and Johnny, but I'm happy they're with their girlfriends, it's a nice change.

"Just so you know, all of the female recruits think I'm taken now." Ghost said and I laughed, "Why is that?" I asked, "Well, everyone is talking about how this pretty women barged into my office this morning like she owns it.", "That girl in your office must have spread the word around." Well, I'm kind of glad.

"Yes, because you really barged in like you own it." He laughed quietly, "That's because you never do anything I ask you too." I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't mind what you did this morning, you have every right too."

"No one else though." He finished and I smiled to myself while setting up the table. "Why didn't you speak to me for five days?" I asked and he shrugged, "I needed to clear my head." Okay, I'll give him that.

"Dinner's ready!" I sat down and waited for Ghost to get his ass up. We ate our dinner then watched a movie, before going our separate ways. He went to take a shower and I went to bed.

I'll miss him when he's gone, even though we always fight, this kind of days where he tells me about his feelings make it right.

I woke up with a pounding headache, the weather must be changing. My mind won't stop fucking with me since the moment Ghost told me they're going on their next mission.

I always ask myself, what if they don't come back? What if I never see my boys again?

"Are you awake?" A familiar voice snapped me back to reality, "Yes." I groaned, "Why? It's not even six." Ghost was leaning against my doorframe. "My head hurts." I quietly said before rain started tapping on my window.

"And why are you up?" I looked at him, "Couldn't sleep." He sighed, walking to my bed, "Can you like... not go?" I asked covering my eyes, mainly because I know the answer and it's making me uncomfortable.

"No." The answer was simple, I didn't really expect anything else. "Yeah." I whispered and he took a deep breath, "I'll come back, and we're gonna spend the last day together, all of us." He reassured me.

"Do you remember our kiss, Ghost? Do you really regret it?" If he doesn't come back, I'll never know. "I don't regret it, it was just a moment of weakness that never should of happened." Yes, that stings.

"I wish you had more moments like that." I admitted, I wish he was normal, and I wish our relationship was normal. This is hell, and I want to crawl out of it, but I can't. Even when he goes away, I think about him. I'm always waiting for him, even though I know he'll reject me again.

"Leia..." I feel like I'm making him mad with my honesty, but I can't help myself, it's who I am. "I'm sorry Simon, I just... I need you to know that I'll always be here for you, even though you always push me away."

He laid down next to me and sighed, "I'll always be grateful to you for putting up with me.", he pulled me closer to him, letting his hand rest on my waist, while the other one was resting under my head, "You arms feel like the safest place on earth." I whispered.

"Some other arms will feel the same." he said and I closed my eyes, "Let me just enjoy the moment, you always have to ruin it." I touched his hand and he flinched, but he didn't pull away, "You'll find another girl, won't you?"

"No, not for a long time.", "But you will." The thought of him with someone else made me sick, even if it's for my own good. "Leia, I'm trying to make it easier for you and you're only making it harder for me." He rasped, his embrace getting tighter.

"Let's just go to sleep." I whispered, there's really nothing more to say. I guess he made his decision.

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