Chapter 5: Good Morning America

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Sammy's POV~

"Hey, wake up," a voice said.

I groaned, but opened my eyes. It was Tyler. He had spent the night with Kaytlin and I. I was bringing them to Good Morning America with me.

"Ready for today?," Kaytlin asked.

"Yes and no," I said.

They look confused.

"I'm ready to voice my view, but not ready for millions to see me," I said.

"Ah," they said, understanding what I meant.

I got ready, doing my normal routine. Once I finished getting dressed, I went downstairs where the other's were waiting for me.

"Ready?," my mom asked.

I nodded my head.

"Do I look okay?," I asked.

"You look great," Tyler and Kaytlin said.

I flashed them a hopeful smile. We got into my parents rental car and drove to Good Morning America.

~On the Set~

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Samantha, aka Sammy, Jones to the stage!," Lara Spencer exclaimed.

I took a deep breath a walked out. Some fans yelled my name and I flashed them a smile and waved. I walked a took a seat.

"You look very nice today," Lara said.

"Thank you. As do you," I said.

The audience hushed.

"So, Sammy, recently a friend of yours posted a video of your point of view on music and why you love it so much. The world fell in love with it and wanted to know more, so now, I just have some questions for you," Lara said.

"Okay," I said.

"Now, you said music will always be music, never a curtain or a pillow (I think), but, TV will never be a pillow or a curtain, can't you rely on that?," she asked.

"Personally, no. You see reality TV, but a lot of that is fake. You also see "breaking news, Selena Gomez dies in a car crash", but she didn't. It's not reliable," I answered.

"The same with the internet?," she asked.

"Especially the internet. You read articles about Cameron Dallas being arrested for vandalism and whatnot, but you don't get the truth. Sometimes, you need to hear it from the physical person, but, even then, people aren't reliable either. They believe what they see on TV read on the internet or in magazines and they spread the information, it's not helpful at all. In music, they don't sing about the most recent rumor, they sing about everything else. Dogs, boyfriends, all of that stuff," I say.

"Beautiful. Wasn't that just beautiful everybody?," Lara asked.

The audience clapped and whooped.

"Okay, Sammy, you recently went on a MagCon tour, correct?," she asked.

"That is correct," I said.

"What was it like?," she asked.

"I loved it. I got to sing in front of so many beautiful fans and hang out with so many amazing people," I told her.

"What were all of the people like?," she asked.

"The fans or people as in Hayes Grier and Sammy Wilkinson?," I asked.

"Your fellow performers," she said.

"I loved them and still do. They are such amazing people and I loved getting to know them. People, once again, spread rumors about them wanting the fame and fortune and stuff like that, but it's not true, they love doing what they do. They love making all of their fans so happy. This is what they aspire to do and be," I told her.

"Yes, I've heard those rumors, so it's nice to know what they're really like," Lara says.

"Also, I've heard some rumors that you and Kenny Holland are cousins, is that true?," she asked.

There were some screams in the crowd when she said Kenny's name.

"Well, Lara, I can tell you that that is true. Kenny and I are cousins," I said with a smile on my face.

A few girls screamed in excitement.

"This may be a touchy subject, but what about you and Daniel Skye?," she asked.

I sat there, thinking for a minute.

"You don't have to mention anything if you don't," she said.

"No, no. It's okay," I said.

"Daniel and I were best friends before the tour, but then I moved and we... drifted, I guess you could say. We became really close again during the tour, but then a girl put a wedge between us. Sometimes the tours can be stressing, so I left to my Aunt Cindy's house and stayed there for the rest of Freshmen year," I told her.

"Are you currently in touch with Daniel?," Lara asked.

"No, I'm not. We had a falling out and I just needed a break," I said.

"Are you in touch with anybody from the tour?," she asked.

"Well, I of course still talk to Kenny and Kaytlin and Tyler are actually here with me today. I sadly haven't talked to anybody else, but I miss them to pieces," I said.

Lara nodded her head.

"Would you like to take some questions from the audience?," she asked.

"I'd love to," I said.

The questions started. Some of them were your standard questions, but not all of them.

"Sammy! If anyone from the tour was here, what would you say to them?," a girl asked.

"I would tell them that I missed them all so much and that I love them and thank them for being in my life and changing it for the better," I told her.

Some more standard questions.

"Sammy! Can you tell the camera what you would say to Daniel if he were here or watching on TV?," another girl asked.

I took a deep breath.

"Sure," I told her.

I turned to the main camera.

"Daniel, if you're watching, I still love you. Even if I never see you again, I will always love you. You know me better than anyone else and all of those fun years together will always be etched into my brain. Also, I forgive you, I just don't know if I can trust you again. Never forget me, okay?," I said looking into the camera.

Some of the audience aw-ed.

"Well, that's all of them time we have today. Thank you Sammy," Lara said.

I thanked her too. Then said good bye to the audience and thanked them too.

"Hey," Kaytlin said.

"You okay?," Tyler asked.

"I actually feel really good. Hopefully Daniel will see that because I needed to get that off of my chest," I tell them.

"Oh, he'll see it," Tyler said.

"How do you know?," I asked.

"We texted everyone, from the tour, to watch today," Kaytlin said.

"I want to be mad, but I can't wait for them to see it," I said.

"Thank goodness," they said as they sighed.

"Now come on, these contacts are killing my eyes," I said.

Found, but Still Lost (Sequel to Lost and Found) (A Daniel Skye Story)Where stories live. Discover now