Chapter 8: Annabelle...

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Sammy's POV~

When we got home, I went to my room to think about everything that had just happened. It was all so sudden. I couldn't believe that it had happened at all. I mean, Daniel and I were better and I got to see them all again. I missed them all so much, but was afraid that all of this would be ruined again like it has been every time. I changed out of my jeans and put on some leggings, but I kept my shirt on. Just then, I heard my phone buzz. I walked over to my desk and picked my phone up. I had an Instagram notification: @_Annabelle_ tagged you in a post. I clicked on the picture. Suddenly, I felt my heart fall to my stomach. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Is this for real?," I wondered.

I read the comments: Are you guy's back together??? Too cute!! No! They can't be back together!! She ruined Daniel and Sammy's relationship!!

You guessed it. It was a picture of Daniel and Annabelle... KISSING!! I couldn't believe my eyes. It can be real, it has to be fake. But, I knew it wasn't, it was all too real. The thing was, Daniel was wearing the same outfit that he was today.

"Did he seriously do this right after we became better?!," I wondered.

I couldn't believe him. I was sad and furious at the same time.

Daniel's POV~

Did I still like Sammy? I probably do, but I can't be sure. She makes me feel this kind of way I've never felt before. We got back to my house. We were all staying here while we do the event and then they were going to stay for a little after that so we can hang out.

"So, did Sammy tell you where she lives?," Hayes asked Kenny.

"Um, no," Kenny said.

"Oh really because I overheard her tell you," Mahogany said.

"How'd you hear us?," Kenny asked.

"I didn't," she said with a smirk.

Dang she was good.

"Now spill," she told him.

"Okay, but only because you'll all kill me if I don't," he said.

"True," we all agreed.

"Okay, she lives right behind you," he said to me.

"WHAT?!," everyone yelled.

"How did you not know?," they asked me.

"I guess I was just really oblivious to it," I told them.

I thought that I had seen her in the window the other day, but I thought I was just imagining things.

"Okay, now don't go seeing her today, she needs time to just think," Kaytlin said.

"Okay," we all agreed.

We watched a couple of movies and then just talked for a while.

Lena's POV~

"Hello," I said into my phone.

"He lied," Sammy said.

"What?," I asked.

"Daniel, he lied. Check Instagram, Annabelle tagged me in a photo," she said.

I went online and checked.

"Oh my god," I gasped.

"I can't believe I was about to become sort of friends with him again," she said.

It sounded like she was crying, but I wasn't sure.

Sammy's POV~

I was so mad at Daniel, but mostly hurt. Did our friendship mean nothing to him? Was he just trying to put on some show? What was he thinking?

"Do you want to talk about it?," Lena asked.

"Not really," I said.

"Do you want me to come over? I can bring ice cream," she said.

"No thanks, I think I'm gonna go have a little chat with Daniel," I lied.

"Okay, good luck," she said.

"Thanks," I said as I hung the phone.

I went into my closet and pulled out three shoe boxes. I opened them all up and started going through them. They were all filled to the top with photos of Daniel and I. From when we were 2 years old to 11 years old. I missed these days. It was so simple then. We just hung out and had the time of our lives. Now, everything had changed. (Taylor Swift moment!!) I needed some fresh air.

"I'm going over to Lena's real quick, boymergency," I lied to my mom.

"Um, okay, be back before midnight," she said.

(Yes I made up "boymergency", but it sounds good, doesn't it? If you use it, don't forget to give me props!) I walked into the street and went to my favorite spot in the area.

Daniel's POV~

"Oh my god," Aaron said.

We all looked up at him.

"What?," I asked.

"Have you checked Sammy's Instagram feed?," he asked.

We all looked at each other and then whipped out our phones. I scrolled onto her page and saw that she was tagged in a photo by... Annabelle?! What the heck?! Oh my god, what is the photo of? I quickly clicked on it and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"What the heck?," Matt asked.

"Did this happen today? I mean, you're wearing the same outfit," Mahogany said.

"What is going on?," Kenny asked.

"It couldn't have been today, he's been with us all day," Tyler said.

"That's true, but why would she do this?," Kaytlin asked.

"Because she wanted to get a rise out of Sammy and make her question everything again," I said.

I stood up and put my shoes on.

"I have to go talk to her, I'll be right back," I added.

I can't believe Annabelle would do this. How does she even know that Sammy and I were talking again? Wait a minute. She was probably at the mall today. I'm pretty sure she's being some kind of creepy stalker. She must have seen us at the mall today. Why couldn't she just leave me alone? She needs some serious help. Anyway, I walked up to Sammy's door.

"Hello Daniel!," Mrs. Jones exclaimed.

"Hi Mrs. Jones, is Sammy here?," I asked.

"No, she just stepped out and went to Lena's house," she said.

"Do you know where I can find her house?," I asked.

She gave me some directions. It was only about a five minute walk. I started walking there. Once I got there, I knocked on the door.

"Daniel? What are you doing here?," Lena asked.

"Is Sammy here?," I asked.

"No, I thought she was with you," she said.


"Maybe she went to my house when I came here," I lied.

"Um, okay, see ya," she said.

"Yeah, you too," I said.

I walked away. I know she's not at my house, so where is she? I tried racking my brain for places she could be.

"Wait a minute, I know where she is!," I exclaimed.

I started my walk to her favorite spot in the area.

Found, but Still Lost (Sequel to Lost and Found) (A Daniel Skye Story)Where stories live. Discover now