Chapter 2

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I sat in the car, waiting for Uncle Nik and Stefan to find a guy named Ray Sutton. I could have sped up the process by just entering the house since I wasn't under the restriction of being invited in, but I was tired and didn't really feel like being part of this particlar task. They would manage just fine without me.

After just a few short minutes I saw Uncle Nik exit through the front door, and before he was half way to the car I heard screams from inside the house. "Leave Stefan to do the dirty work all by himself again? I thought that was your favorite part," I said when he got in the vehicle.

"Got to keep the machine well-oiled if you want it to keep running," Uncle Nik explained.

"It's been practically two months and he's never tried running once, we even told him about me. I don't think he's much of a flight risk, I mean, what does he really have to go back to?" I told him.

"We didn't tell him everything, and what exactly are you trying to say?" He asked me.

"Nothing, just that I don't know why you don't take part yourself. I know you're sick and twisted mind enjoys it."

Uncle Nik laughed at that. "I suppose you're right, but I really shouldn't over indulge too much. Ruins the fun."

The screaming in the house stopped and Stefan appeared outside the car seconds later, climbing in the passenger seat. "To Southern Comfort then?" Uncle Nik asked before starting the car.

"What's that?" I asked him.

"A bar where we can find our missing friend, Ray," he answered.

"Hm, wake me when we get there."


When we reached the bar the next day, the first thing I did was go around with Stefan, compelling everyone not to make a commotion if anything happens. When we were just about through a man walked in and was greeted by someone who called him Ray. Figuring that this was the man we've been searching for I walked over to him as he ordered a beer.

When I reached him I turned around so my back was leaning against the bar and placed my elbows on it behind me. "You're Ray? Ray Sutton?" I asked with semi-faked interest.

"I might be," he said looking at me then doing an up and down, "may I ask who wants to know?"

I dropped my gaze to the ground and let out a humorless laugh. When I looked back up at him I rested my hand gently on his cheek, "Oh Ray, darling, we've been looking everywhere for you."

"We..?" he said, completely confused and looking around for anyone who looked like they were with me.

"Oh yes, my uncle and a family friend. We started in Florida, then to Tacoma where a lovely man who you use to work with informed us that you moved to Memphis, where we were then told where to find two women who directed us here... to you."

By the time I finished he looked unnerved and said, "I think I should be going now." When he tried to move away I gripped his chin with the hand that had migrated to playing with his scruffle.

"Nonsense, you just got here," I told him. "Besides, my uncle is just dying to meet you, did you know how difficult your kind can be to come by?" This time he jerked away from my touch and turned around in attempt to leave again, but was stopped by my uncle and Stefan standing in his way.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Stefan told him and pushed him back against the bar.

"Vampires," Ray said, as a statement instead of a question.

Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now