Chapter 23

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Caroline and Uncle Nik stayed behind to take care of the witches bodies... the twelve that died to save one and complete the Expression triangle that will end up resulting in the release of hell on Earth.

I paced back and forth in Bonnie's room while Stephan sat with his head hung between his shoulders at Bonnie's bedside while we waited for her to wake up. I was trying my best to calm myself down and not let anger consume me.

Although Bonnie was the one who conjured the witches together and started the ritual that ultimately ended in their death, the third massacre, I was thoroughly convinced that Silas had her brainwashed. That logic wasn't working to calm my anger toward Caroline though. Her actions were based on sheer impulse and what she wanted in that exact moment rather than thinking of the bigger picture, and it's going to cost all of us greatly.

"You're going to wear a groove into Bonnie's floor if you don't stop pacing," Stephan's voice said interrupting my thoughts, even though he spoke quietly.

"Considering the things I've done in the past, I think it should be easy for her to forgive me for that," I responded, continuing my back and forth path at the foot of the bed.

"Maybe so, but I still think it's a good idea if you take a break and sit down. You're only keeping yourself amped up," he tried to reason.

I paced for another minute before trying to take his advice by making the split decision to try and stay still by leaning against the window that was next to where he was sitting by the bed. As soon as I stopped walking, my leg began bouncing up and down rapidly. I stayed there for about ten seconds before standing back up to begin pacing again, but was stopped by Stephan's hand on my shoulder.

"Sit," he ordered. "Just give your body a minute to calm down."

I leaned back on the window sill to humor him but his eye contact nailed me there and sure enough, a few minutes later and I was still. No bouncing leg, no tapping fingers, and my heart rate slowly started to go down.

"Save the 'I told you so'," I said when he cocked his head and raised his eyebrows.

"I wasn't going to say anything," he said, raising his hands and finally looking away from me.

"You're a terrible liar," I said.

He looked back at me with a small smile, "My heart wasn't really in to it."

I rolled my eyes and leaned forward so my elbows were on my knees and my head in my hands, heaving a big sigh. Now that I wasn't moving I suddenly felt exhausted, and admittedly a little helpless. Silas was running around Mystic Falls somewhere completely free and all but one thing keeping him from lifting the veil to the Other world.

"Everything is going to turn out okay," Stephan said, as if he were reading my thoughts. "We're going to get through this."

I raised my head out of my hands to give him a lame look. "What did I just say about your lying skills?"

He sighed and looked like he was searching for something else to say, but whatever it was fell to the back of his mind when Bonnie started to wake up.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Stephan asked her once she opened her eyes and saw him.

"What're you doing here... How'd I get here? What is she doing here?" Bonnie asked, frantically sitting up in confusion and from seeing me sitting just feet away.

"No, Bonnie, it's okay. She's not going to hurt you-"

"Yeah right, you expect me to believe that? The last time I saw her I took her out and she's not here to get revenge?" She fired off, obviously afraid.

Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now