Chapter 7

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After fleeing Mystic Falls from the threat of Mikael, and thankfully leaving my mother behind, Uncle Nik and I ended up tracking down more werewolves in Portland. This round of hybrid creations ended up going much smoother than the first. Stefan was instructed to stay in Mystic Falls to keep an eye on Elena and keep her safe since her blood is the key to making hybrids. We hadn't heard from him since we left, that is until now.

"Portland is fantastic, once you get over all the whiney music and healthy looking people, it's literally a breeding ground for werewolves," I heard Uncle Nik greet Stefan. I was already in the car, ready to go back to the house we were staying in while Uncle Nik was nosing around in the woods. I was flipping through radio stations, trying to find one that didn't suck and wasn't full of static. I paused my search when Uncle Nik's tone shifted.

Oh great, what could have gone wrong now? Was my first thought, thinking that someone had gone and done something stupid. He was too far away for me to be able to hear what Stefan was saying on the other end, so I was just going to wait until he got in the car to ask what happened. This plan was a little harder to follow when my interest became piqued when Uncle Nik said, "I want to see him, I want to see his dead, rotting body." I sat up straighter in my seat and focused on the call but still couldn't make out what was being said on the other side.

"I want to talk to Rebekah," Uncle Nik said, and a few moments later continued with, "Rebekah, love, what's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run-in with a dagger?" At those words my curiosity got the better of me and trumped my patience for waiting in the car, so I jumped out and quickly made my way to my uncle. When I was close enough to hear the other end of the phone call I heard my mother saying, "He's finally out of our lives for good."

I narrowed my eyes in confusion, not believing what I was hearing at all. It made absolutely no sense for a thousand year old Original vampire vampire hunter to be brought down by a bunch of Nobodies from Mystic Falls. Uncle Nik ended the call with, "I'll see you soon," before hanging up and turning to walk to the car.

"What in the hell did I just over hear?" I asked him as I followed right on his heels.

"The best news you've ever heard in your life, Mikael's dead; we're free," he told me as he opened the driver's side door and getting in.

I quickly rushed to the passenger side and followed suit. "How can you be so sure?"

"Stefan and Rebekah both told me," he answered, "Stefan's compelled to do what I say and Rebekah wouldn't lie about this. We're going to see the body for proof."

"How did they do it?" I asked him skeptically.

"That's what we're going to find out when we get there."

"I don't like it." I told him. "It just doesn't sound right that they were able to take him down so easily."

"They could have done it while he was still bound by the chains in the old crypt where he was left to rot," Uncle Nik suggested.

"Perhaps..." I admitted, "it just still seems off."

"Well, while you brood I think that a celebration is in order," Uncle Nik said as he picked up his phone and began making a call.

"Who are you calling?" I asked him.

"My ever-trusty hybrid, Tyler. Someone's got to get everything in order before our arrival." With that, he began explaining his plan to Tyler once he answered. Since the Homecoming dance was tonight, he told Tyler to do something to get it cancelled and then have it at his house instead. Tonight, we were going to have a wake to bring our family together.

Before arriving at Mystic Falls, we stopped to change into more appropriate attire and by the time we arrived the party was in full swing. Once we got there, Uncle Nik took it upon himself to introduce his arrival. While he was doing this, I found Stefan and made my way through the crowd over to him.

Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now