Chapter 5

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The warm rays of the sun were shining down on me as I sat on the roof of a local library, reading Of Mice and Men; one of my old favorites. I was in the middle of reading about Lenny crushing Curly's hand when I was interrupted by the loud ring of my phone.

Without looking at the caller ID I answered it. "Has she driven you mad yet?" I asked, refering to my mother; Rebekah.

"Not quite, I have alcohol to slow the process though," replied Uncle Nik.

"Is it Stefan's job to carry all of the bottles you'll need? Because I don't think he can hold that many," I told him.

He chuckled before saying, "Oh I do miss your humor."

"It hasn't even been a full 24 hours," I said.

"Yes, but it feels like a century."

"Hmm, what do you want?" I asked. I had only left just last night, he called me about an hour after I was gone, this morning, and right now it was early afternoon. I didn't expect another call until later tonight so he must need something.

"Although I'm heartbroken that you've come to that conclusion, I can't deny it. Gloria used Rebekah to catch a glimpse of the necklace but claims she needs more time to actually find it. I just thought we might be able to save a little time if-"

"If I come and do it myself? I think you're just going to have to be patient, Uncle Nik. If you want it done quickly I would need the assistance of the one living being with an attachment to it, who ironically makes me want to kill. So my answer is no," I explained to him.

He gave an exasperated sigh before saying, "I suppose I figured as much. I'll call you later to update you on how slow things are going with your lack of help."

"I look forward to it," I said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Before he could reply, I heard a painfully familiar voice in the background ask, "Is that Natalia?"

Uncle Nik didn't answer but I instantly straightened up and dropped my book in shock as I focused on the sounds from his end of the call. I heard the clicks of heeled footsteps that I knew far too well, despite how long it had been, approaching the phone. I took the phone away from my ear just as she took it from my uncle and hung up before she could finish saying my name.

Suddenly feeling a little restless, I grabbed my book an marked the page I was at before putting it in my bag and jumping down from the roof into an alleyway. I walked out to the street and decided to head for Gloria's to see what she was up to. A Locator spell really isn't that difficult to do and she shouldn't need as much time as she was asking, even though the certain necklace she was searching for had magical properties. It seemed suspicious and I would just love to have a reason to kill her.


When I finally got to the bar after a couple detours, it was completely abandoned, no sign of Gloria anywhere. This made my blood boil. I didn't think that she had bailed out on my uncle and was refusing to help him, no, the smell of cleaners and eery feeling of death led me to believe someone had killed her... before I could.

The door to the bar opened as someone entered but I didn't bother turning to look who since I could already tell.

"Well, I have to admit, this is one of the last places I thought you'd be," said Uncle Nik.

"I just thought I might check in on your witch, see what she's really up to."

"Ah, I knew you couldn't resist helping out your favorite uncle," he said, smiling at me.

Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now