Chapter 1

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Present Day

I've always enjoyed the night. It brings some sense of calm to me; the cool night wind, the light from the moon, and the sight of the stars in the sky on a cloudless night. Maybe I'm partial to these things because of what I am, but I enjoy them nonetheless. An added bonus is that it creates a wonderful atmoshpere for thinking these things over.

I laid there in the grass in the middle of a clearing with my hands behind my head and my ankles crossed. Jenna Gilbert lay some several feet away from me, dead. My uncle Nik, although he's more known as Klaus these days, killed her not too long ago so he could use her as a vampire in the moonstone ritual. Now he was off getting everthing else in order while I waited for Greta to show up with the Doppleganger, Elena, which was taking forever.

My mind began to wonder as I grew more and more bored. It circled back to the night, there are multiple reasons that could explain my attraction to it. There's the fact that I have the blood of both creatures of the night running through my veins. The werewolf, which I inherited from my father; vampire from when my grandparents changed my mother and her siblings; and then there's my connection with all nature that I received from being a witch that I got from my grandmother. It's a pretty weird combination of species to be found within one person but it's true; although, I'm not a 'real vampire'.

In order for someone to become a vampire, they must die with vampire blood in their system. I've never died. When my mother drank the blood that was discretely given to her it had time to enter my system through the placenta and somehow became integrated in my bloodstream permanently. Therefore, I only possess certain qualities of a vampire like compulsion, even over other vampires since I am technically 'an original', and I drink blood but not nearly as often as other vampires need to. I can go a couple weeks without blood before my bloodlust becomes bothersome. Also, combined with being a werewolf, my strength, speed and senses are stronger, but not as strong as if I were a true vampire. I have the abilities of a vampire about half my age, around 500 years old.

This brings me to my third point, immortality. Obviously I've aged and grown, but it happened at a bit of a slower rate than the average person, which would make sense since I'm anything but. My body stopped aging when I was physically around the age of about 20, give or take a year; but it took me almost 50 years to get that far. I'm not sure how it happened but I'm extremely thankful that I didn't stay a baby forever. My theory is that once I reached a good physical standard my body stopped aging to stay in top condition. I'm not immortal in the same sense as my family though, if one could manage it I'd be as easy to kill as a werewolf; luckily my magic, age, and cunning abilities help prevent that.

One of the reasons that my uncle wants to break the curse so bad is so he can use his army of hybrids in part to help protect me, even though I've been doing just fine thus far. My werewolf side was used in the same spell as the one to stop my uncle's from being active, so awakening it will give me more power within myself . I've been training in combat with my uncle since I was old enough to walk it seems, and he's helped me get my hands on every single grimoire I could to study. I've lived with him my entire life, the past thousand years, and I still think that he can't help but look at me as the young and practically helpless little girl I once was so long ago. I am the strongest and oldest witch in the world, and that's not my ego talking, it's the truth. If we break the curse then I will become the ultimate deadly weapon for vampires, the main supernatural creature that I need to worry about.

My rambling thoughts would have gone on but I heard footsteps coming toward me from a ways off in the woods, but I was quickly able to distinguish them as Greta's and what better be the doppleganger's. I was ready to get rid of this curse just as much as my uncle. Aside from being able to use my werewolf side as more of a weapon and for gaining more power, wolves really were one of my favorite animals.

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