Chapter 16

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When I got home after all the chaos at The Grill I avoided Uncle Nik so that I wouldn't have to have the conversation about the day's events that would no doubt end as an argument. I headed straight to my room to clean up and sleep off my injuries, waking up the next morning to an empty house and stomach. I checked my wound to see that it had healed to a nice pink scar that would most likely be gone within a few more hours.

As I got out of bed the light flashing on my phone that let me know I had a message caught my eye. I grabbed it and read the text that was from my uncle while I headed downstairs to the kitchen. Apparently he had gone over to Tyler Lockwood's after he woke up to retrieve the hunter who was suppose to be taken there by Dean, the hybrid that I didn't tell him got killed. Oops.

What was news to me was that apparently Elena killed the hunter when the babysitters turned their backs so now he was on his way to her house to bring he here. Wonderful. Her hallucinations should have started by now and he was bringing the violent psychopath to live under the same roof as us after I had just gotten shot. I guess it's time to start making myself scarce so there aren't any 'accidents', by her or me.

I managed to make myself a bagel and get ready almost in time to miss my uncle dragging Elena in.

"Morning, Love. Sorry but I haven't the time to chat just now. Business to attend to," Uncle Nik said as he steered Elena to the room he had readied for her.

"That's fine because I don't want to," I said even though he was already down the hall. I stuck my phone in my purse, grabbed a set of car keys and headed out the door.

I found that the spot to be for the day was some sort of historical event at the high school. When I walked in it was still in the process of being set up and before I got far I found Matt and Jeremy, talking about something that involved gestures to Jeremy's arm.

"Let me guess," I said as I approached them. "You've got the freaky invisible tattoo now, right?"

"What do you want?" Matt asked exasperatedly before Jeremy could answer.

"Whoa, easy. I just came here to get out of the house and you two were the first ones I found." I told him with my hands up to show surrender. "Am I right though? Has the mark appeared on you now?" I asked Jeremy.

He hesitated for a moment, looking at Matt as they silently decided whether or not they should tell me but Matt just shrugged his shoulders so I took that as a good sign. "Does it mean I'm like Connor? Am I a hunter?" Jeremy asked as his answer to my question.

I gave him a sad smile and said, "It means that you're the currently the safest and most wanted man in town because of my uncle."

They both gave me questioning looks that said they had several more questions but didn't get a chance to ask them since April young chose that moment to come over. "Hey guys!" she greeted cheerily.

"Hey April," we replied in unison. It felt like forever ago that I met her on that staircase but she still held the same clueless innocence about her.

"Don't let her do the heavy lifting, I found her wondering the hallways with this," a guy who I had never met said indicating a large chunk of rock he was holding. When no one responded to him he continued to say, "Just teasing. I'm the guy who wrangles all the freaky stuff, Atticus Shane, please call me Shane." He held his hand out to shake ours. "You all get free admission.. to my free exhibit," he joked before finally walking away.

I couldn't tell exactly what, but there was something about him that struck me as odd.

"Why does he look so familiar?" April asked no one in particular.

Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now