Chapter 10

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By the time I returned to Mystic Falls all chaos had been dealt with. Apparently, to my dismay, Damon had killed the elder of the two Bennett's; I would have preferred both but who knows what the future will bring. Immediately following this incident, the entire Bennett bloodline in the other world withdrew their helping hand from my grandmother who, in turn, vanished back to where ever she had come from. I thought the whole scenario was wonderfully ironic.

But of course, this town never seems to take a break from these intense games of 'what will go wrong next?'. Now that the matter of life or death with my family is over, everyone has switched their attention to the string of murders that have been occurring. Alaric Saltzman was the prime suspect but ended up being cleared, however, I couldn't help but remember the Gilbert ring that he wore that brought him back from the dead when killed by a supernatural being... Of course, I had my theories, but until the problem became my issue, I didn't see any reason to put forth my two cents.

Most importantly, just when I happened to be arriving at my uncle's now finished home, I walked in on him and my mother having a discussion about the oak tree surviving the night it was burned to the ground. Somehow a sapling had grown after we fled the land and took its place. The only problem was, it was chopped down and most likely used in building the town, but on what no one seemed to know. After learning this information, I simply walked in, straight passed my mother and uncle, and directly up to my bedroom were I promptly ignored any and all forms of communication they tried to make with me. I even spelled my room to keep them from entering, or just vampires in general, and not only to keep sound from within leaking out, but the other way as well. I may be back, but they had no where near earned my forgiveness... even if they had just narrrowly escaped death.

Anywho, two days after being back, I had decided to leave my quarantined room so I could get myself a late night snack. In the middle of trying to decide between spaghettios and mac n cheese, I heard the front door open as my mother walked in. "Coming in a bit late, aren't we?" I called.

"Talking again, are we?" she asked, ignoring my comment.

"There's only so much solitude one can take, you should know seeing as you can't stand being without some sort of affection for too long." I countered. "Speaking of, I'm assuming your late entrance was due to a man at the bar complimenting your shoes and then you were desperate, needy putty in his manipulating, advantage-taking hands."

"Excuse me, but I don't believe that's really any of your business, is it?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"Which means my guess was pretty accurate... So tell me, how long until you change your mind on your feelings and go back to rip his head off?" I asked, finally decided on spaghettios and grabbing the can.

"What are you talking about?" she asked with a confused expression.

"Oh please, it's what you always do," I began to explain. "If any male is nice to you, you fall for them almost instantly. Then, after you've run off and slept with him, he either does or says something rude or mean, you disagree with an opinion if his, or you simply lose interest, you decide to take out all of your anger on him in a rather sadistic manner," I finished as I opened my can.

"That is not true!" she tried defending.

"Isn't it? I think that you and I both know it's true, you just can't admit it. Acknowledging your own faults never was your strong suit," I added on at the end as I cupped my hands around my can of spaghettios and using magic to heat it. "Come to think of it, it's not just with men you sleep with. This seems to be your method when it comes to family as well."

"That's not even fair, our entire family is corrupt and changes their opinion on one another every day, not just me," my mother shielded.

"Alright, fair enough," I said with the shrug of a shoulder, "you're just the only one who goes between loving and hating with equal passion. Everyone else seems to have a somewhat irratable, loving intolerance for each other... or just pick one emotion and stay true to it. Oh and let's not forget, I believe you're the only one who tried to abandon me."

Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now