Chapter 8

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"Have you found them yet?" Uncle Nik asked me from the doorway.

I was currently sitting on the floor in the den with a couple of my grimoires laid open in front of me, trying to locate where the coffins were that held my family. Usually, a locating spell like this was a piece of cake, but no matter what I tried I couldn't find them. It was like there was some other magic blocking me from them.

And just in case anyone was wondering, number one on my Shit List is now Stefan Salvatore, replacing his brother Damon, who was at the top for almost killing my uncle, by being the one with the bright idea of taking and hiding the coffins.

"If I had, do you think I'd still be sitting here?" I asked without looking at him.

"I just don't understand what could be taking so long, you should have found them by now," he said, walking into the room to stand by me.

"Well here's an idea, why don't you give it a try and I'll walk around with a sour attitude and criticize others," I snapped back at him.

"Take it easy, Love," Uncle Nik said. "Perhaps we just need to make a trip to visit our little friends."

"Good, because I quit. Obviously, something is blocking me from finding them and I'm not any closer to breaking through it now than I was a half hour ago." I got up and stormed off to my bedroom to change. Being limited on what I was able to do didn't always sit very well with me.

When we got into town, we decided to first try the grill; it seemed to be 'the hangout spot' for everyone in Mystic Falls. We walked in and the first pair we noticed was Elena and Damon on the other side of the restaraunt. They were talking about someone who was aparently having girlfriend issues and didn't even realize it when we had walked right up to them.

"Don't mind us," I said, interrupting them.

Damon switched his gaze and Elena whipped around to face us, giving a shocked look. "Klaus!"

Damon walked forward and put Elena behind him. "You're going to do this in the grill, in front of everyone? That's a little beneath you, don't you think?" I assumed that he was assuming that we were here to kill him, and if his brother hadn't gone off the rails he probably wouldn't be that far off the mark.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I just came down here to the local pub to grab a drink. Get a round, would you, Tony?" Uncle Nik said to the hybrid he brought along.

"I'm surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour," Damon commented.

"My sister still seems to be missing," Uncle Nik reminded him. "We need to sort that out."

"Cute, blond bomb-shell... psycho, shouldn't be too hard to find," said Damon, and I found it hard to agrue with his logic.

"Truth is, I've grown to rather like your little town, I think I'd fancy to buy a home here." Uncle Nik told  him. "Well I bet you're wondering, how does this affect you? The answer is, not in the slightest...As long as I get what I want and everyone behaves themselves, you all can go on living your lives however you choose. You have my word."

"What more could you want?" Elena asked.

"For starters," I began, "you can tell us where we can find Stefan."

"He skipped town the second he saved your ass," Damon said, referring to Uncle Nik.

"Well you see, that is a shame," Uncle Nik said as he picked up a dart and twirled it in his fingers a couple of times before throwing it with unecessary force at the dart board then turning to continue what he was saying, "because your brother stole from me. I need him to be found so I can take back what's mine."

Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now