Chapter 18

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I made good timing considering I sped the entire way back into town and didn't have to worry about any cops, but when I finally made it to the woods just outside the cellar, I was shocked to find all of my uncle's hybrids dead. "What the hell..." I muttered after surveying the massacre, then headed underground where another headless body lay next to my mother's coffin.

I was beside myself in wonder for what happened and was about to head back outside when I heard a sniffle from one of the corners. "April?" I said as I approached it.

"Natalia!" she shouted as she launched herself in my arms.

"April, how long have you been down here?" I asked, awkwardly hugging her back.

"Not long, Tyler was just here but he didn't see me, I hid again when I heard you because I didn't know it was you but there are bodies everywhere and Rebekah's in the coffin with a knife in her chest-" she was babbling from all of her nerves.

"A dagger... it's a dagger," I corrected her, cutting off her rant.

It had the desired effect, causing her to stop talking for a moment from surprise. "What? Why are you acting so calm about this?"

I let out a deep sigh. "Come over here, April." She followed me to the side of my mother's coffin where I opened it and pulled out the dagger. "She's going to be okay, she'll wake up in a little while, but I think we need to talk about some things..."

I then went on to inform her about all of the supernatural happenings in the town. Who was a vampire, about my family being the Orignal vampires, and about the hybrids. I thought she would be asking questions a mile a minute, giving her rambling nature, but instead she was shocked into silence. I gave her time to let everything sink in and several minutes later she finally found her voice.

"Elena..." was the first thing she said. "Elena use to babysit me when I was a kid and now she's a vampire? ...How? When?"

"She died with vampire blood in her body for the how, and I believe that was a couple of months ago... but from what I understand this isn't the first time you've had a run-in with your vampire friends."

"What do you mean?" she asked, looking extremely confused.

I explained the power of compulsion that all vampires have and how her friends had used it on her before, but didn't tell her specific times. That's something her 'friends' can explain to her.

April went back to being lost in her own thoughts but before she could find the words to say again, my mother began to stir. April jumped back, alarmed at watching her come back to life, but I put my hand on her back in what I hoped was a comforting way. It seemed to work a little bit but she was still very clearly disturbed, which I didn't blame her.

When my mother took her first gasping breath April practically jumped in my lap. I awkwardly patted her back and tried to make her feel better, it was easily the most uncomfortable moment of my extremely long life.

When my mother looked around to take in her surroundings she became confused when she saw April, but it switched to complete astonishment when she saw me. "Natalia?" She glanced down and saw the dagger lying next to me, the furrow in her brow deepening. "Did you...?" She asked, her hand outstretched toward the weapon.

"I did," I admitted. "Please, don't make me regret it. Now, April," I said turning to face her, "let me take you home."

"Wait!" my mother called after me. I stopped and looked at her expectantly. "The cure," she began, to which I instantly rolled my eyes. "What happened? Did they find it?"

"I can't believe you're even asking me about that... come on, April." She followed me without protest. 


Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now