Chapter 3

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A new day brings new beginnings and a new werewolf pack to find, and that's exactly what my uncle, Stefan and I were doing. With Stefan carrying along the werewolf we killed the day before, Ray, we were closing in on the pack he had directed us to before he had an unfortunate encounter with my uncle's hands around his neck.

"Are you okay? Is Ray getting heavy?" Uncle Nik asked Stefan sarcastically.

Stefan took a deep breath and answered with, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure about that, Stefan?" I asked, walking along the opposite side of my uncle from him. "We've been walking for quite a while, I'm sure we could find you some water around here somewhere. Sit down, take a little break," I wasn't really serious about my offering, and he knew that, but answered anyways.

"You know, I get that we're all stuck together, but maybe we can just skip the chit-chat. That'd be great," he said with an almost amused smile.

"It sounds so dismal when you say it like that," I told him, "'stuck together' like we're bound by shackles in a horrid place. I don't know about you but I find these woods quite nice."

"So much brooding," Uncle Nik said to Stefan, "your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend."

"Maybe it's because I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves," he retorted. "We've been at it all Summer."

"You wouldn't think they'd be so hard to find, would you?" I asked rhetorically, "Good thing our pal Ray here has led us straight to a whole pack." We walked right up to the edge of what looked like some kind of werewolf camp. One by one they turned to look at us as we walked into the middle of their group. Poor, pathetic things, if I had wanted to I could have killed half of them before they even knew what was going on.

Stefan bent over and dropped Ray from his shoulders and one of the females immediately called out his name and ran over to him. A man followed her and after they looked him over they became completely confused, the girl looked up at Stefan and asked, "Who are you?"

"The more important question," Uncle Nik said walking up beside him, "is who am I. Forgive the intrustion, my name is Klaus."

Their expressions immediately changed, recognition and fear sparked in their eyes. "You're the hybrid," the girl said as she slowly stepped away.

"You've heard of me? Fantastic," Uncle Nik said. Since we didn't really have much to do until Ray woke up, Uncle Nik decided it would be a great opportunity to jump into hybrid story time. I had sat down on the ground next to a log that Stefan and my uncle had decided to sit on and began to peel away the bark and layers of wood underneath. By the time Uncle Nik was reaching the end of his story I had peeled away maybe three inches so the spot where I was sitting had a rather large dent.

"It's fascinating actually," Uncle Nik was saying, continuing with his story, "a werewolf who isn't beholdant to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid." Just after he finished the last word, Ray gasped and a spasm went through his body.

No one ran over to help him or to see if he was okay, he was just greeted with, "Excellent timing, Ray. I don't know how much longer I could have spent listening to that story," by me.

"Easy now, Love. You know how I love telling it," Uncle Nik said to me. "Very dramatic awakening though Ray," he said, now switching his attention.

"What's happening to me?" Ray asked.

"Stefan," Uncle Nik said, looking at him to explain things.

He knodded and stood up. "Alright, are any of you human?" When no one answered he continued as he stood by Ray, "Your friend here, he needs human blood to complete his transition into a vampire. If he doesn't get it... he will die."

Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now