Chapter 4

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Many hours of sitting in a car later, we arrived at our destination: Chicago. This is the place where we first met Stefan, making my uncle's comment on 'bringing back old memories' make more sense. The only issue I had was that I wasn't very fond of the company we kept the last time we were in the Windy City.

"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan," Uncle Nik told him as we pulled into a large warehouse.

We got out of the car and approached a large wooden door. "What are we doing here?" Stefan asked.

"I was thinking the exact same thing," I said crossing my arms and glaring at my uncle, who avoided my gaze as he opened the door.

On the other side was a semi truck pulling up along the side of the building. "I know how much you loved it here," Uncle Nik said, talking to Stefan I assumed because I didn't think there was anything all that great about it. "Bringing back memories of the good old Ripper days."

"Blacked out most of them," Stefan said, "lot of blood, lot of partying... the details are all a blur."

"Well that is a crying shame," Uncle Nik told him. "detail is what makes it legend."

"I know you remember the details quite well so I don't know why you're so upset about it," I commented.

"It just upsets me that he doesn't admire his work like I do," he said. "Chicago was magical."

"Yeah, well I'll take your word for it, like I said, I don't remember most of it," Stefan said walking away from the door.

"Down to business then," Uncle Nik said.

This is the part that worried me, I wanted to know exactly what 'business' was to him.

"Why am I still with you?" Stefan suddenly asked. "We had our fun, your hybrids failed.. don't you want to move on?"

"We're going to see my second favorite witch," Uncle Nik said, ignoring Stefan's questions. "She should be able to help us with our little hybrid problem."

"Wait, if you need a witch why not just use Natalia?" Stefan asked.

I immediately ground my teeth in irritation, not at Stefan though. "The spirits don't communicate with me. The moonstone spell was suppose to keep my powers contained on top of my uncle's, so they made sure to take drastic measures so I couldn't find out how to reverse it. All I knew about the curse was how to break it, I wasn't gifted with knowing any other details."

"Why don't the spirits communicate with you?" Stefan asked curiously.

"They don't like me," I said simply. "They can't control me because my magic is tainted with darkness. When my grandmother did the spell to turn my uncles and mother into vampires she used very dark magic and it somehow became part of me. If they try and dictate me or take away my magic they can only take away the 'clean magic', leaving me with only dark magic. Trust me when I say that's the last thing you want," I explained.

"Huh.." he said as he let everything sink in. "Why didn't you tell me all that before?"

"Didn't seem necessary," I answered. "The only reason I'm telling you know is because it happened to come up."

"And now that story time is over, can we please get going?" Uncle Nik asked, holding open the car door.

I walked passed him as I got in, looking at him through narrowed eyes. I was not happy with how the trip was going so far.


We arrived at the bar where we met Stefan in the 1920's, owned by the witch Gloria.

Rebekah's Daughter-Natalia Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now